에서 검색결과 65건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Boursier, Jérôme; Canivet, Clémence M.; Costentin, Charlotte; Lannes, Adrien; Delamarre, Adèle; Sturm, Nathalie; Le Bail, Brigitte; Michalak, Sophie; Oberti, Frédéric; Hilleret, Marie-Noelle; Irles-Depé, Marie; Fouchard, Isabelle; Hermabessiere, Paul; Barthelon, Justine; Calès, Paul; Cariou, Bertrand; de Ledinghen, Victor; Roux, Marine
In Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology May 2023 21(5):1243-1251
Academic Journal
Cassinotto, Christophe ; Anselme, Sophie ; Jacq, Tony; Irles-Depe, Marie; Belgour, Ali ; Hermida, Margaux ; Guiu, Boris ; De Ledinghen, Victor
In Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology November 2022 48(11):2258-2266
Academic Journal
Paisant, Anita; Lemoine, Sylvain; Cassinotto, Christophe; de Lédinghen, Victor; Ronot, Maxime; Irlès-Depé, Marie; Vilgrain, Valérie; Le Bail, Brigitte; Paradis, Valérie; Canivet, Clémence M.; Michalak, Sophie; Rousselet, Marie-Christine; Rautou, Pierre-Emmanuel; Lebigot, Jérôme; Hunault, Gilles; Crouan, Anne; Aubé, Christophe; Boursier, Jérôme
In Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology February 2022 20(2):400-408
Academic Journal
Rivière, Pauline; Vermeire, Séverine; Irles-Depe, Marie; Van Assche, Gert; Rutgeerts, Paul; Denost, Quentin; Wolthuis, Albert; D’Hoore, Andre; Laharie, David; Ferrante, Marc
In Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology April 2021 19(4):713-720
Academic Journal
Petroff, David; Blank, Valentin; Newsome, Philip N; Shalimar; Voican, Cosmin Sebastian; Thiele, Maja; de Lédinghen, Victor; Baumeler, Stephan; Chan, Wah Kheong; Perlemuter, Gabriel; Cardoso, Ana-Carolina; Aggarwal, Sandeep; Sasso, Magali; Eddowes, Peter J; Allison, Michael; Tsochatzis, Emmanuel; Anstee, Quentin M; Sheridan, David; Cobbold, Jeremy F; Naveau, Sylvie; Lupsor-Platon, Monica; Mueller, Sebastian; Krag, Aleksander; Irles-Depe, Marie; Semela, David; Wong, Grace Lai-Hung; Wong, Vincent Wai-Sun; Villela-Nogueira, Cristiane A; Garg, Harshit; Chazouillères, Olivier; Wiegand, Johannes; Karlas, Thomas
In The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology March 2021 6(3):185-198
Academic Journal
Cassinotto, Christophe; Lapuyade, Bruno; Guiu, Boris; Marraud des Grottes, Hortense; Piron, Lauranne; Merrouche, Wassil; Irles-Depe, Marie; Molinari, Nicolas; De Ledinghen, Victor
In Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology December 2020 18(13):2971-2979
Academic Journal
Rivière, Pauline; Vermeire, Séverine; Irles-Depe, Marie; Van Assche, Gert; Rutgeerts, Paul; de Buck van Overstraeten, Anthony; Denost, Quentin; Wolthuis, Albert; D’Hoore, Andre; Laharie, David; Ferrante, Marc
In Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology July 2019 17(8):1643-1645
Academic Journal
Decraecker, Marie; Dutartre, Dan; Hiriart, Jean‐Baptiste; Irles‐Depé, Marie; Chermak, Faiza; Foucher, Juliette; de Lédinghen, Victor
Academic Journal
Decraecker, Marie; Dutartre, Dan; Hiriart, Jean‐Baptiste; Irles‐Depé, Marie; Marraud des Grottes, Hortense; Chermak, Faiza; Foucher, Juliette; Delamarre, Adèle; de Ledinghen, Victor
Academic Journal
Canivet, Clémence M.; Costentin, Charlotte; Irvine, Katharina M.; Delamarre, Adèle; Lannes, Adrien; Sturm, Nathalie; Oberti, Frederic; Patel, Preya J.; Decaens, Thomas; Irles‐Depé, Marie; Fouchard, Isabelle; Hermabessière, Paul; Roux, Marine; Barthelon, Justine; Calès, Paul; Powell, Elizabeth E.; de Ledinghen, Victor; Boursier, Jérôme
Hepatology (02709139); Mar2023, Vol. 77 Issue 3, p920-930, 11p
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[AR] Irlès-Depé, Marie
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