에서 검색결과 89건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Schneider, Lara; Su, L. Joseph; Arab, Lenore; Bensen, Jeannette T.; Farnan, Laura; Fontham, Elizabeth T.H.; Song, Lixin; Hussey, James; Merchant, Anwar T.; Mohler, James L.; Steck, Susan E.
In Annals of Epidemiology January 2019 29:16-22
Academic Journal
High incidence of brain and other nervous system cancer identified in two mining counties, 2001–2015
In Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology February 2020 32
Easwar Dharmarajan; Shengnian Song; Mclaughlin, Lenore; Guan, John; Gazda, Jerzy; Lin, Emma; Wen-Jie Qi; Hidehiko Shiraiwa; Hussey, James; Lansford, Jeremy; Basab Banerjee
2007 International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Semiconductor Manufacturing, 2007. ISSM 2007. International Symposium on. :1-4 Oct, 2007
Academic Journal
Holst, Meghan M.; Wirth, Michael D.; Allison, Penelope; Burch, James B.; Andrew, Michael E.; Fekedulegn, Desta; Hussey, James; Charles, Luenda E.; Violanti, John M.
Academic Journal
Cavicchia, Philip; Liu, Jihong; Adams, Swann; Steck, Susan; Hussey, James; Daguisé, Virginie; Hebert, James
Academic Journal
Feigley, Charles; Khan, Jamil; Salzberg, Deborah; Hussey, James; Attaway, Hubert; Steed, Lisa; Schmidt, Michael; Michels, Harold
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
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[AR] Hussey, James
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