에서 검색결과 179건 | 목록
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics . (Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 2024)
Academic Journal
In: Social Sciences . (Social Sciences, January 2024, 13(1))
Academic Journal
Sorrenti, S.; Di Mascio, D.; Khalil, A.; Persico, N.; D'antonio, F.; Zullo, F.; D'ambrosio, V.; Greenberg, G.; Hasson, J.; Vena, F.; Muzii, L.; Brunelli, R.; Giancotti, A.
Academic Journal
In: Reproductive BioMedicine Online . (Reproductive BioMedicine Online, January 2022, 44(1):112-118)
Academic Journal
Cohen, Y.; Nattiv, N.; Avrham, S.; Fouks, Y.; Friedman, M.R.; Hasson, J.; Kalma, Y.; Azem, F.; Malcov, M.; Almog, B.
In: Reproductive BioMedicine Online . (Reproductive BioMedicine Online, October 2021, 43(4):680-686)
Academic Journal
In: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth . (Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, October 2021, 123)
Academic Journal
In: Journal for Vascular Ultrasound . (Journal for Vascular Ultrasound, September 2021, 45(3):133-136)
Academic Journal
Baruch, Y.; Ashwal, E.; Hasson, J.; Avraham, S.; Amikam, U.; Blecher, Y.; Avnon, T.; Dviri, M.; Many, A.; Azem, F.
In: Journal of Reproductive Medicine . (Journal of Reproductive Medicine, August 2021, 66(7-8):176-182)
IEEE VTS 53rd Vehicular Technology Conference, Spring 2001. Proceedings (Cat. No.01CH37202) Vehicular technology Vehicular Technology Conference, 2001. VTC 2001 Spring. IEEE VTS 53rd. 2:1197-1201 vol.2 2001
Academic Journal
In: Reproductive BioMedicine Online . (Reproductive BioMedicine Online, November 2020, 41(5):869-873)
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[AR] Hasson, J.
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