에서 검색결과 2건 | 목록
Academic Journal
O'Rourke, Jenny; Brown, Michelle; Elias, Mary Ellen; Podolej, Gregory S.; Cardell, Annemarie; Golden, Antoinette; Gurevich-Gal, Raya; Roszczynialski, Kelly N.; Tayeb, Baraa; Wong, Nelson
Simulation in Healthcare; Aug2022, Vol. 17 Issue 4, p264-269, 6p
Academic Journal
OʼRourke, Jenny; Brown, Michelle; Elias, Mary Ellen; Podolej, Gregory S.; Cardell, Annemarie; Golden, Antoinette; Gurevich-Gal, Raya; Roszczynialski, Kelly N.; Tayeb, Baraa; Wong, Nelson
Simulation in Healthcare: The Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. Aug 01, 2022 17(4):264-269
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[AR] Gurevich-Gal, Raya
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