에서 검색결과 28건 | 목록
Academic Journal
In Laboratory Investigation December 2009 89(12):1332-1339
Academic Journal
In The Lancet 2004 364(9451):2122-2124
Academic Journal
Beroukas, Dimitra; Hiscock, Jenny; Gannon, Bren J; Jonsson, Roland; Gordon, Tom P; Waterman, Sally A
In Laboratory Investigation 1 November 2002 82(11):1547-1552
Academic Journal
Beroukas, Dimitra; Goodfellow, Rhian; Hiscock, Jenny; Jonsson, Roland; Gordon, Tom P; Waterman, Sally A
In Laboratory Investigation 1 February 2002 82(2):203-210
Academic Journal
Vento, Sandro; Davies, Peter; Jenkinson, Seth; Wheatley, David; Berrios, G E; Healy, D; Wilkinson, Greg; Kroll, J; Rumiana, Bakalova; Zhivko, Zhelev; Hideki, Ohba; Gambacorti-Passerini, Carlo; Steinfeld, Serge D; Delporte, Christine; Waterman, Sally A; Beroukas, Dimitra; Hiscock, Jenny; Gordon, Tom P; Jonsson, Roland; Groneberg, David A.
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
Lindop, Rhianna; Arentz, Georgia; Thurgood, Lauren A; Reed, Joanne H; Jackson, Michael W; Gordon, Tom P
Immunology and Cell Biology. Mar 01, 2012 90(3):304-309
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
Immunology and Cell Biology. Oct 01, 2003 81(5):409-412
Academic Journal
Beroukas, Dimitra, BSc; Hiscock, Jenny, PhD; Jonsson, Roland, DMD; Waterman, Sally A, PhD; Gordon, Tom P, Prof
The Lancet. 358(9296):1875-1876
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[AR] Gordon, Tom P
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