에서 검색결과 27건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Gault, Abigail; Agnieszka, Michael; Bedair, Ahmed; Ghaus, Aisha; Akingboye, Akinfemi; Maynard, Alec; Pawsey, Alexander; Suwaidan, Ali Abdulnabi; Okines, Alicia; Massey, Alison; Kwan, Amy; Ferreira, Ana; Angelakas, Angelos; Wu, Anjui; Tivey, Ann; Armstrong, Anne; Madhan, Annet; Pillai, Annet; Poon-King, Ashley; Kurec, Bartlomiej; Usborne, Caroline; Dobeson, Caroline; Thirlwell, Christina; Mitchell, Christian; Sng, Christopher; Scrase, Christopher; Jingree, Christopher; Brunner, Clair; Fuller, Claire; Griffin, Clare; Barrington, Craig; Muller, Daniel; Ottaviani, Diego; Gilbert, Duncan; Tacconi, Eliana; Copson, Ellen; Renninson, Emily; Cattell, Emma; Burke, Emma; Smith, Fiona; Holt, Francesca; Soosaipillai, Gehan; Boyce, Hayley; Shaw, Heather; Hollis, Helen; Bowyer, Helen; Anil, Iris; Illingworth, Jack; Gibson, Jack; Bhosle, Jaishree; Best, James; Barrett, Jane; Noble, Jillian; Sacco, Joseph; Chacko, Joseph; Chackathayil, Julia; Banfill, Kathryn; Feeney, Laura; Horsley, Laura; Cammaert, Lauren; Mukherjee, Leena; Eastlake, Leonie; Devereaux, Louise; Melcher, Lucinda; Cook, Lucy; Teng, Mabel; Hewish, Madeleine; Bhattacharyya, Madhumita; Choudhury, Mahbuba; Baxter, Mark; Scott-Brown, Martin; Fittall, Matthew; Tilby, Michael; Rowe, Michael; Alihilali, Mohammed; Galazi, Myria; Yousaf, Nadia; Chopra, Neha; Cox, Nicola; Chan, Olivia; Sheikh, Omar; Ramage, Paul; Greaves, Paul; Leonard, Pauline; Hall, Peter S; Naksukpaiboon, Piangfan; Corrie, Pippa; Peck, Rahul; Sharkey, Rachel; Bolton, Rachel; Sargent, Rebecca; Jyothirmayi, Rema; Goldstein, Robert; Oakes, Roderick; Shotton, Rohan; Kanani, Ruhi; Board, Ruth; Pettengell, Ruth; Claydon, Ryan; Moody, Sam; Massalha, Samah; Kathirgamakarthigeyan, Sangary; Dolly, Saoirse; Derby, Sarah; Lowndes, Sarah; Benafif, Sarah; Eeckelaers, Sarah; Kingdon, Sarah; Ayers, Sarah; Brown, Sean; Ellis, Shawn; Parikh, Shefali; Pugh, Sian; Shamas, Simon; Wyatt, Simon; Grumett, Simon; Lau, Sin; Wong, Yien Ning Sophia; McGrath, Sophie; Cornthwaite, Stephanie; Hibbs, Stephen; Tillet, Tania; Rabbi, Taslima; Robinson, Tim; Roques, Tom; Angelis, Vasileios; Woodcock, Victoria; Brown, Victoria; Peng, YingYing; Drew, Yvette; Hudson, Zoe; Lee, Lennard Y W ; Cazier, Jean-Baptiste ; Starkey, Thomas ; Briggs, Sarah E W; Arnold, Roland; Bisht, Vartika; Booth, Stephen; Campton, Naomi A; Cheng, Vinton W T; Collins, Graham; Curley, Helen M; Earwaker, Philip; Fittall, Matthew W; Gennatas, Spyridon; Goel, Anshita; Hartley, Simon; Hughes, Daniel J; Kerr, David; Lee, Alvin J X; Lee, Rebecca J; Lee, Siow Ming; Mckenzie, Hayley; Middleton, Chris P; Murugaesu, Nirupa; Newsom-Davis, Tom; Olsson-Brown, Anna C; Palles, Claire; Powles, Thomas; Protheroe, Emily A; Purshouse, Karin; Sharma-Oates, Archana; Sivakumar, Shivan; Smith, Ashley J; Topping, Oliver; Turnbull, Chris D; Várnai, Csilla; Briggs, Adam D M; Middleton, Gary ; Kerr, Rachel
In The Lancet Oncology October 2020 21(10):1309-1316
Academic Journal
In Radiotherapy and Oncology December 2023 189
Academic Journal
Gault, Abigail; Hogarth, Linda; Williams, Kristian C; Greystoke, Alastair; Rajan, Neil; Speight, Ally; Lamb, Christopher A; Bridgewood, Alison; Brown-Schofield, Lisa-Jayne; Rayner, Fiona; Isaacs, John D; Nsengimana, Jérémie; Stewart, Christopher J; Anderson, Amy E; Plummer, Ruth; Pratt, Arthur G
BMC Cancer. June 14, 2024, Vol. 24 Issue 1
Academic Journal
In Lung Cancer April 2023 178 Supplement 1:S52-S52
Academic Journal
In Lung Cancer April 2023 178 Supplement 1:S4-S4
Academic Journal
Williams, Kristian C.; Gault, Abigail; Anderson, Amy E.; Stewart, Christopher J.; Lamb, Christopher A.; Ally Speight, R.; Rajan, Neil; Plummer, Ruth; Pratt, Arthur G.
Frontiers in Immunology; 1/26/2023, Vol. 13, p1-8, 8p, 1 Chart, 1 Graph
Academic Journal
Booth, Stephen; Curley, Helen M.; Varnai, Csilla; Arnold, Roland; Lee, Lennard Y. W.; Campton, Naomi A.; Cook, Gordon; Purshouse, Karin; Aries, James; Innes, Andrew; Cook, Lucy B.; Tomkins, Oliver; Oram, Helen S.; Tilby, Michael; Kulasekararaj, Austin; Wrench, David; Dolly, Saoirse; Newsom‐Davies, Tom; Pettengell, Ruth; Gault, Abigail
Academic Journal
Lee, Lennard Y W, DPhil; Cazier, Jean-Baptiste, Prof; Starkey, Thomas, MSci; Briggs, Sarah E W, MRCP; Arnold, Roland, PhD; Bisht, Vartika, MSc; Booth, Stephen, FRCPath; Campton, Naomi A, PhD; Cheng, Vinton W T, DPhil; Collins, Graham, DPhil; Curley, Helen M, PhD; Earwaker, Philip, DPhil; Fittall, Matthew W, PhD; Gennatas, Spyridon, PhD; Goel, Anshita, PhD; Hartley, Simon, PhD; Hughes, Daniel J, MRCP; Kerr, David, FMedSci; Lee, Alvin J X, PhD; Lee, Rebecca J, PhD; Lee, Siow Ming, Prof; Mckenzie, Hayley, MBBS; Middleton, Chris P, PhD; Murugaesu, Nirupa, PhD; Newsom-Davis, Tom, FRCP; Olsson-Brown, Anna C, MBChB; Palles, Claire, PhD; Powles, Thomas, Prof; Protheroe, Emily A; Purshouse, Karin, MBBS; Sharma-Oates, Archana, PhD; Sivakumar, Shivan, PhD; Smith, Ashley J, MSc; Topping, Oliver, MBChB; Turnbull, Chris D, DPhil; Várnai, Csilla, PhD; Briggs, Adam D M, DPhil; Middleton, Gary, Prof; Kerr, Rachel, FRCP; Gault, Abigail; Agnieszka, Michael; Bedair, Ahmed; Ghaus, Aisha; Akingboye, Akinfemi; Maynard, Alec; Pawsey, Alexander; Suwaidan, Ali Abdulnabi; Okines, Alicia; Massey, Alison; Kwan, Amy; Ferreira, Ana; Angelakas, Angelos; Wu, Anjui; Tivey, Ann; Armstrong, Anne; Madhan, Annet; Pillai, Annet; Poon-King, Ashley; Kurec, Bartlomiej; Usborne, Caroline; Dobeson, Caroline; Thirlwell, Christina; Mitchell, Christian; Sng, Christopher; Scrase, Christopher; Jingree, Christopher; Brunner, Clair; Fuller, Claire; Griffin, Clare; Barrington, Craig; Muller, Daniel; Ottaviani, Diego; Gilbert, Duncan; Tacconi, Eliana; Copson, Ellen; Renninson, Emily; Cattell, Emma; Burke, Emma; Smith, Fiona; Holt, Francesca; Soosaipillai, Gehan; Boyce, Hayley; Shaw, Heather; Hollis, Helen; Bowyer, Helen; Anil, Iris; Illingworth, Jack; Gibson, Jack; Bhosle, Jaishree; Best, James; Barrett, Jane; Noble, Jillian; Sacco, Joseph; Chacko, Joseph; Chackathayil, Julia; Banfill, Kathryn; Feeney, Laura; Horsley, Laura; Cammaert, Lauren; Mukherjee, Leena; Eastlake, Leonie; Devereaux, Louise; Melcher, Lucinda; Cook, Lucy; Teng, Mabel; Hewish, Madeleine; Bhattacharyya, Madhumita; Choudhury, Mahbuba; Baxter, Mark; Scott-Brown, Martin; Fittall, Matthew; Tilby, Michael; Rowe, Michael; Alihilali, Mohammed; Galazi, Myria; Yousaf, Nadia; Chopra, Neha; Cox, Nicola; Chan, Olivia; Sheikh, Omar; Ramage, Paul; Greaves, Paul; Leonard, Pauline; Hall, Peter S; Naksukpaiboon, Piangfan; Corrie, Pippa; Peck, Rahul; Sharkey, Rachel; Bolton, Rachel; Sargent, Rebecca; Jyothirmayi, Rema; Goldstein, Robert; Oakes, Roderick; Shotton, Rohan; Kanani, Ruhi; Board, Ruth; Pettengell, Ruth; Claydon, Ryan; Moody, Sam; Massalha, Samah; Kathirgamakarthigeyan, Sangary; Dolly, Saoirse; Derby, Sarah; Lowndes, Sarah; Benafif, Sarah; Eeckelaers, Sarah; Kingdon, Sarah; Ayers, Sarah; Brown, Sean; Ellis, Shawn; Parikh, Shefali; Pugh, Sian; Shamas, Simon; Wyatt, Simon; Grumett, Simon; Lau, Sin; Wong, Yien Ning Sophia; McGrath, Sophie; Cornthwaite, Stephanie; Hibbs, Stephen; Tillet, Tania; Rabbi, Taslima; Robinson, Tim; Roques, Tom; Angelis, Vasileios; Woodcock, Victoria; Brown, Victoria; Peng, YingYing; Drew, Yvette; Hudson, Zoe
The Lancet Oncology. 21(10):1309-1316
Academic Journal
Booth, Stephen; Curley, Helen M.; Varnai, Csilla; Arnold, Roland; Lee, Lennard Y. W.; Campton, Naomi A.; Cook, Gordon; Purshouse, Karin; Aries, James; Innes, Andrew; Cook, Lucy B.; Tomkins, Oliver; Oram, Helen S.; Tilby, Michael; Kulasekararaj, Austin; Wrench, David; Dolly, Saoirse; Newsom-Davies, Tom; Pettengell, Ruth; Gault, Abigail; Moody, Sam; Mittal, Sajjan; Altohami, Mohammed; Tillet, Tania; Illingworth, Jack; Mukherjee, Leena; Apperly, Jane; Ashcroft, John; Rabin, Neil; Carmichael, Jonathan; Cazier, Jean-Baptiste; Kerr, Rachel; Middleton, Gary; Collins, Graham P.; Palles, Claire; UKCCMP Team
Academic Journal
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. Dec 01, 2017 88(12 Suppl 1):A15-A16
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