에서 검색결과 4건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Tumlin, J.A.; Galphin, C.M.; Tolwani, A.J.; Chan, M.R.; Astor, B.C.; Yevzlin, A.S.; Vijayan, A.; Finkel, K.; Szamosfalvi, B.; Dev, D.; Dasilva, J.R.; Humes, H.D.
In: PLoS ONE . (PLoS ONE, 5 August 2015, 10(8))
Academic Journal
Lewis, J.B.; Sika, M.; Schulman, G.; Dwyer, J.P.; Koury, M.J.; Chuang, P.; Smith, M.T.; Whittier, F.C.; Linfert, D.R.; Galphin, C.M.; Athreya, B.P.; Nossuli, A.K.K.; Chang, I.J.; Blumenthal, S.S.; Manley, J.; Zeig, S.; Kant, K.S.; Olivero, J.J.; Greene, T.
In: Journal of the American Society of Nephrology . (Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 1 February 2015, 26(2):493-503)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Diabetes Research . (Journal of Diabetes Research, 2013, 2013)
Academic Journal
Moustafa, M.; Aronoff, G.R.; Chandran, C.; Hartzel, J.S.; Smugar, S.S.; Brown, E.; DiNubile, M.J.; Kartsonis, N.A.; Guris, D.; Galphin, C.M.; Mailloux, L.U.
In: Clinical and Vaccine Immunology . (Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, September 2012, 19(9):1509-1516)
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[AR] Galphin, C.M.
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