에서 검색결과 184건 | 목록
Academic Journal
International Journal of Critical Infrastructures. 12(1-2)
Academic Journal
Ruperto, N; Ravelli, A; Oliveira, S; Alessio, M; Mihaylova, D; Pasic, S; Cortis, E; Apaz, M; Burgos-Vargas, R; Kanakoudi-Tsakalidou, F; Norambuena, X; Corona, F; Gerloni, V; Hagelberg, S; Aggarwal, A; Dolezalova, P; Saad, CM; Bae, S; Vesely, R; Avcin, T; Foster, H; Duarte, C; Herlin, T; Horneff, G; Lepore, L; Van Rossum, M; Trail, L; Pistorio, A; Andersson-Gare, B; Giannini, EH; Martini, A
Arthritis and rheumatism. 55(3):355-363
Conference: Fuels technology contractors` review meeting,Morgantown, WV (United States),16-18 Nov 1993; Other Information: PBD: [1993]
Conference: 12. annual gasification and gas stream cleanup systems contractors review meeting,Morgantown, WV (United States),15-17 Sep 1992; Other Information: PBD: [1992]
Conference: US Department of Energy contractors review meeting on gasification and gas stream cleanup systems, Morgantown, WV (United States), 15-17 Sep 1992
Academic Journal
Hoglund, S; Su, J; Reneby, SS; Vegvari, A; Hjerten, S; Sintorn, IM; Foster, H; Wu, YP; Nystrom, I; Vahlne, A
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy. 46(11):3597-3605
Academic Journal
Journal of the American Chemical Society. 141(50):19823-19830
Other Information: PBD: May 1994
Other Information: PBD: Mar 1994
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[AR] Foster, H
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