에서 검색결과 19건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Boyer, T.; Zhang, H.-M.; Reagan, J.; Freeman, E.; Garcia, H.; Hogan, P.; Huang, B.; Jiang, L.-Q.; Kozyr, A.; Liu, C.; Locarnini, R.; Mishonov, A.V.; Paver, C.; Wang, Z.; Cebrian, J.; Dukhovskoy, D.; Katz, F.; O'Brien, K.; Diggs, S.; Heslop, E.; Zweng, M.; Alin, S.; Connell, K.J.; Sutton, A.; Barbero, L.; Goni, G.; Lumpkin, R.; Pierrot, D.; Wanninkhof, R.; Barth, J.A.; Belbeoch, M.; Kramp, M.; Turpin, V.; Jiang, L.; Cowley, R.; Galbraith, N.R.; Plueddemann, A.J.; Weller, R.A.; Kumar, A.; Legler, D.M.; Smith, E.A.; McMahon, C.R.; Suneel, V.; Wong, A.P.S.
In: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society . (Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, February 2023, 104(2):E389-E410)
Academic Journal
In: Earth (Switzerland) . (Earth (Switzerland), June 2022, 3(2):493-521)
Academic Journal
Hutter, N.; Koldunov, N.; Losch, M.; Wang, Q.; Bouchat, A.; Tremblay, B.; Dupont, F.; Dukhovskoy, D.; Lee, Y.J.; Maslowski, W.; Lemieux, J.-F.; Lique, C.; Talandier, C.; Myers, P.G.; Ólason, E.; Rampal, P.; Rasmussen, T.
In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans . (Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, April 2022, 127(4))
Academic Journal
Bouchat, A.; Tremblay, B.; Hutter, N.; Losch, M.; Wang, Q.; Chanut, J.; Garric, G.; Dupont, F.; Dukhovskoy, D.; Lee, Y.J.; Maslowski, W.; Lemieux, J.-F.; Lique, C.; Talandier, C.; Myers, P.G.; Ólason, E.; Rampal, P.; Rasmussen, T.
In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans . (Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, April 2022, 127(4))
Academic Journal
Morey, S.L.; Dukhovskoy, D.; Chassignet, E.; Gopalakrishnan, G.; Cornuelle, B.; Sanz, E.P.; De Souza, J.M.A.C.; Pérez-Brunius, P.; Candela, J.; Donohue, K.; Bower, A.M.Y.; Furey, H.; Hamilton, P.
In: Journal of Physical Oceanography . (Journal of Physical Oceanography, April 2020, 50(4):1045-1064)
Academic Journal
Proshutinsky, A.; Krishfield, R.; Toole, J.M.; Timmermans, M.-L.; Williams, W.; Zimmermann, S.; Yamamoto-Kawai, M.; Armitage, T.W.K.; Manucharyan, G.E.; Dukhovskoy, D.; Golubeva, E.; Platov, G.; Watanabe, E.; Kikuchi, T.; Nishino, S.; Itoh, M.; Kang, S.-H.; Cho, K.-H.; Tateyama, K.; Zhao, J.
In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans . (Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 1 December 2019, 124(12):9658-9689)
Academic Journal
In: Earth (Switzerland) . (Earth (Switzerland), September 2022, 3(3):768)
Academic Journal
Özgökmen, T.M.; Chassignet, E.P.; Dawson, C.N.; Dukhovskoy, D.; Jacobs, G.; Ledwell, J.; Garcia-Pineda, O.; MacDonald, I.R.; Morey, S.L.; Olascoaga, M.J.; Poje, A.C.; Reed, M.; Skancke, J.
In: Oceanography . (Oceanography, September 2016, 29(3):96-107)
Academic Journal
In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences . (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 13 October 2015, 373(2052))
Academic Journal
Harris, R.; Hutchinson, D.; Pollman, C.; Landing, W.; Evans, D.; Axelrad, D.; Morey, S.L.; Dukhovskoy, D.; Rumbold, D.; Adams, D.H.; Vijayaraghavan, K.; Holmes, C.; Atkinson, R.D.; Myers, T.; Sunderland, E.
In: Environmental Research . (Environmental Research, November 2012, 119:42-52)
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[AR] Dukhovskoy, D.
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