
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 264건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
In: Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research. (Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research, 2024)
Academic Journal
Henderson, S.Abraham, W.Aleksandrov, A.Allen, C.Alonso, J.Anderson, D.Arenius, D.Arthur, T.Assadi, S.Ayers, J.Bach, P.Badea, V.Battle, R.Beebe-Wang, J.Bergmann, B.Bernardin, J.Bhatia, T.Billen, J.Birke, T.Bjorklund, E.Blaskiewicz, M.Blind, B.Blokland, W.Bookwalter, V.Borovina, D.Bowling, S.Bradley, J.Brantley, C.Brennan, J.Brodowski, J.Brown, S.Brown, R.Bruce, D.Bultman, N.Cameron, P.Campisi, I.Casagrande, F.Catalan-Lasheras, N.Champion, M.Chen, Z.Cheng, D.Cho, Y.Christensen, K.Chu, C.Cleaves, J.Connolly, R.Cote, T.Cousineau, S.Crandall, K.Creel, J.Crofford, M.Cull, P.Cutler, R.Dabney, R.Dalesio, L.Daly, E.Damm, R.Danilov, V.Davino, D.Davis, K.Dawson, C.Day, L.Deibele, C.Delayen, J.DeLong, J.Demello, A.DeVan, W.Digennaro, R.Dixon, K.Dodson, G.Doleans, M.Doolittle, L.Doss, J.Drury, M.Elliot, T.Ellis, S.Error, J.Fazekas, J.Fedotov, A.Feng, P.Fischer, J.Fox, W.Fuja, R.Funk, W.Galambos, J.Ganni, V.Garnett, R.Geng, X.Gentzlinger, R.Giannella, M.Gibson, P.Gillis, R.Gioia, J.Gordon, J.Gough, R.Greer, J.Gregory, W.Gribble, R.Grice, W.Gurd, D.Gurd, P.Guthrie, A.Hahn, H.Hardek, T.Hardekopf, R.Harrison, J.Hatfield, D.He, P.Hechler, M.Heistermann, F.Helus, S.Hiatt, T.Hicks, S.Hill, J.Hoff, L.Hoff, M.Hogan, J.Holding, M.Holik, P.Holmes, J.Holtkamp, N.Hovater, C.Howell, M.Hseuh, H.Huhn, A.Hunter, T.Ilg, T.Jackson, J.Jain, A.Jason, A.Jeon, D.Johnson, G.Jones, A.Joseph, S.Justice, A.Kang, Y.Kasemir, K.Keller, R.Kersevan, R.Kerstiens, D.Kesselman, M.Kim, S.Kneisel, P.Kravchuk, L.Kuneli, T.Kurennoy, S.Kustom, R.Kwon, S.Ladd, P.Lambiase, R.Lee, Y.Y.Leitner, M.Leung, K.-N.Lewis, S.Liaw, C.Lionberger, C.Lo, C.C.Long, C.Ludewig, H.Ludvig, J.Luft, P.Lynch, M.Ma, H.MacGill, R.Macha, K.Madre, B.Mahler, G.Mahoney, K.Maines, J.Mammosser, J.Mann, T.Marneris, I.Marroquin, P.Martineau, R.Matsumoto, K.McCarthy, M.McChesney, C.McGahern, W.McGehee, P.Meng, W.Merz, B.Meyer, R., Jr.Meyer, R., Sr.Miller, B.Mitchell, R.Mize, J.Monroy, M.Munro, J.Murdoch, G.Musson, J.Nath, S.Nelson, R.O׳Hara, J.Olsen, D.Oren, W.Oshatz, D.Owens, T.Pai, C.Papaphilippou, I.Patterson, N.Patterson, J.Pearson, C.Pelaia, T.Pieck, M.Piller, C.Plawski, T.Plum, M.Pogge, J.Power, J.Powers, T.Preble, J.Prokop, M.Pruyn, J.Purcell, D.Rank, J.Raparia, D.Ratti, A.Reass, W.Reece, K.Rees, D.Regan, A.Regis, M.Reijonen, J.Rej, D.Richards, D.Richied, D.Rode, C.Rodriguez, W.Rodriguez, M.Rohlev, A.Rose, C.Roseberry, T., Jr.Rowton, L.Roybal, W.Rust, K.Salazer, G.Sandberg, J.Saunders, J.Schenkel, T.Schneider, W.Schrage, D.Schubert, J.Severino, F.Shafer, R.Shea, T.Shishlo, A.Shoaee, H.Sibley, C.Sims, J.Smee, S.Smith, J.Smith, K.Spitz, R.Staples, J.Stein, P.Stettler, M.Stirbet, M.Stockli, M.Stone, W.Stout, D.Stovall, J.Strelo, W.Strong, H.Sundelin, R.Syversrud, D.Szajbler, M.Takeda, H.Tallerico, P.Tang, J.Tanke, E.Tepikian, S.Thomae, R.Thompson, D.Thomson, D.Thuot, M.Treml, C.Tsoupas, N.Tuozzolo, J.Tuzel, W.Vassioutchenko, A.Virostek, S.Wallig, J.Wanderer, P.Wang, Y.Wang, J.G.Wangler, T.Warren, D.Wei, J.Weiss, D.Welton, R.Weng, J.Weng, W-T.Wezensky, M.White, M.Whitlatch, T.Williams, D.Williams, E.Wilson, K.Wiseman, M.Wood, R.Wright, P.Wu, A.Ybarrolaza, N.Young, K.Young, L.Yourd, R.Zachoszcz, A.Zaltsman, A.Zhang, S.Zhang, W.Zhang, Y.Zhukov, A.
In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 1 November 2014 763:610-673
Academic Journal
Looke, T.Bent, S.Franco-Mora, A.Hedrick, P.Newbern, M.Tadros, R.Pealer, K.Marcantonio, E.Vlassakov, K.Buckley, C.Gavin, L.Gorbatov, S.Gosnell, J.Steen, T.Vafai, A.Zeballos, J.Hruslinski, J.Cardenas, L.Berry, A.Getchell, J.Quercetti, N.Hassan, M.Bajracharya, G.Billow, D.Bloomfield, M.Cuko, E.Elyaderani, M.K.Hampton, R.Honar, H.Khoshknabi, D.Kim, D.Krahe, D.Lew, M.M.Maheshwer, C.B.Niazi, A.Saha, P.Salih, A.de Swart, R.J.Volio, A.Bolkus, K.DeAngelis, M.Dodson, G.Gerritsen, J.McEniry, B.Mitrev, L.Kwofie, M.K.Belliveau, A.Bonazza, F.Lloyd, V.Panek, I.Dabiri, J.Chavez, C.Craig, J.Davidson, T.Dietrichs, C.Fleetwood, C.Foley, M.Getto, C.Hailes, S.Hermes, S.Hooper, A.Koener, G.Kohls, K.Law, L.Lipp, A.Losey, A.Nelson, W.Nieto, M.Rogers, P.Rutman, S.Scales, G.Sebastian, B.Stanciu, T.Lobel, G.Giampiccolo, M.Herman, D.Kaufman, M.Murphy, B.Pau, C.Puzio, T.Veselsky, M.Apostle, K.Boyer, D.Fan, B.C.Lee, S.Lemke, M.Merchant, R.Moola, F.Payne, K.Perey, B.Viskontas, D.Poler, M.D’Antonio, P.O’Neill, G.Sheppard, R.Abdullah, A.Fish-Fuhrmann, J.Giska, M.Fidkowski, C.Guthrie, S.T.Hakeos, W.Hayes, L.Hoegler, J.Nowak, K.Hymes, R.Beck, J.Cuff, J.Gaski, G.Haaser, S.Holzman, M.Malekzadeh, A.S.Ramsey, L.Schulman, J.Schwartzbach, C.Sieber, F.Azefor, T.Davani, A.Jaberi, M.Masear, C.Sharma, B.Haider, S.B.Chungu, C.Ebrahimi, A.Fikry, K.Marcantonio, A.Shelvan, A.Sanders, D.Clarke, C.Lawendy, A.Schwartz, G.Garg, M.Kim, J.Marshall, M.Caruci, J.Commeh, E.Cuevas, R.Cuff, G.Franco, L.Furgiuele, D.Giuca, M.Allman, M.Barzideh, O.Cossaro, J.D’Arduini, A.Farhi, A.Gould, J.Kafel, J.Patel, A.Peller, A.Reshef, H.Safur, M.Toscano, F.Tedore, T.Akerman, M.Brumberger, E.Clark, S.Friedlander, R.Jegarl, A.Lane, J.Lyden, J.P.Mehta, N.Murrell, M.T.Painter, N.Ricci, W.Sbrollini, K.Sharma, R.Steel, P.A.D.Steinkamp, M.Weinberg, R.Wellman, D.S.Nader, A.Fitzgerald, P.Ritz, M.Papp, S.Bryson, G.Craig, A.Farhat, C.Gammon, B.Gofton, W.Harris, N.Lalonde, K.Liew, A.Meulenkamp, B.Sonnenburg, K.Wai, E.Wilkin, G.Troxell, K.Alderfer, M.E.Brannen, J.Cupitt, C.Gerhart, S.McLin, R.Sheidy, J.Yurick, K.Carson, J.L.Chen, F.Dragert, K.Kiss, G.Malveaux, H.McCloskey, D.Mellender, S.Mungekar, S.S.Noveck, H.Sagebien, C.Perlman, B.Biby, L.McKelvy, G.Richards, A.Azim, S.Abola, R.Ayala, B.Halper, D.Mavarez, A.Rizwan, S.Choi, S.Awad, I.Flynn, B.Henry, P.Jenkinson, R.Kaustov, L.Lappin, E.McHardy, P.Singh, A.Hauck, E.Donnelly, J.Gonzalez, M.Haydel, C.Livelsberger, J.Pazionis, T.Slattery, B.Vazquez-Trejo, M.Schwenk, E.S.Baratta, J.Cirullo, M.Deiling, B.Deschamps, L.Glick, M.Katz, D.Krieg, J.Lessin, J.Mojica, J.Torjman, M.Chin, K.-J.Jin, R.Salpeter, M.J.Powell, M.Simmons, J.Lawson, P.Kukreja, P.Graves, S.Sturdivant, A.Bryant, A.Crump, S.J.Dillane, D.Verrier, M.Green, J.Menon, M.Applegate, R.Arias, A.Pineiro, N.Uppington, J.Wolinsky, P.Sappenfield, J.Gunnett, A.Hagen, J.Harris, S.Hollen, K.Holloway, B.Horodyski, M.B.Pogue, T.Ramani, R.Smith, C.Woods, A.Warrick, M.Flynn, K.Mongan, P.Ranganath, Y.Fernholz, S.Ingersoll-Weng, E.Marian, A.Seering, M.Sibenaller, Z.Stout, L.Wagner, A.Walter, A.Wong, C.Orwig, D.Neuman, M.D.Elkassabany, N.Donegan, D.Goud, M.Helker, C.Mezenghie, L.Montgomery, B.Preston, P.Schwartz, J.S.Weber, R.Fleisher, L.A.Mehta, S.Stephens-Shields, A.J.Dinh, C.Luke, C.Chelly, J.E.Goel, S.Goncz, W.Kawabe, T.Khetarpal, S.Monroe, A.Shick, V.Hoeft, M.A.Breidenstein, M.Dominick, T.Friend, A.Mathews, D.Lennertz, R.Sanders, R.Akere, H.Balweg, T.Bo, A.Doro, C.Goodspeed, D.Lang, G.Parker, M.Rettammel, A.Roth, M.White, M.Whiting, P.Allen, B.F.S.Baker, T.Craven, D.McEvoy, M.Turnbo, T.Kates, S.Morgan, M.Willoughby, T.Weigel, W.Auyong, D.Fox, E.Welsh, T.Jaffe, J.D.Cusson, B.Dobson, S.Edwards, C.Harris, L.Henshaw, D.Johnson, K.McKinney, G.Miller, S.Reynolds, J.Segal, B.S.Turner, J.VanEenenaam, D.Weller, R.Lei, J.Treggiari, M.Akhtar, S.Blessing, M.Johnson, C.Kampp, M.Kunze, K.O’Connor, M.Sessler, D.I.Ayad, S.Hassan, M.Feng, R.Ellenberg, S.S.Magaziner, J.Marcantonio, E.R.Menio, D.Hassan, M.Stone, T.Tierney, A.Gaskins, L.J.Horan, A.D.Brown, T.Dattilo, J.Wijeysundera, D.N.Kheterpal, S.Moore, R.H.Smith, A.K.Tosi, L.L.Langlois, C.Oduwole, S.Rose, T.
In: Annals of Internal Medicine. (Annals of Internal Medicine, January 2023, 176(1):952-960)
Academic Journal
In: Research Studies in Music Education. (Research Studies in Music Education, April 2022, 44(1):257-272)
In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Physics, Simulation, and Photonic Engineering of Photovoltaic Devices XIII. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2024, 12881)
Academic Journal
In: Australian Journal of Environmental Education. (Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 13 November 2021, 37(3):254-265)
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