에서 검색결과 9건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Alpizar-Sosa, E.A.; Zimbres, F.M.; Mantilla, B.S.; Wei, W.; Burle-Caldas, G.A.; Filipe, L.N.S.; Denny, P.W.; Dickie, E.A.; Whitfield, P.D.; Barrett, M.P.; Van Bocxlaer, K.; Price, H.P.; Ibarra-Meneses, A.V.; Fernandez-Prada, C.; Beaudry, F.
In: ACS Infectious Diseases . (ACS Infectious Diseases, 9 August 2024, 10(8):2913-2928)
Parkinson’s VPS35[D620N] mutation induces LRRK2-mediated lysosomal association of RILPL1 and TMEM55B
Academic Journal
Pal, P.; Taylor, M.; Lam, P.Y.; Tonelli, F.; Lis, P.; Nirujogi, R.S.; Phung, T.K.; Fasimoye, R.; Dickie, E.A.; Wightman, M.; Macartney, T.; Alessi, D.R.; Yeshaw, W.M.; Jaimon, E.; Pfeffer, S.R.; Hecht, C.A.
In: Science Advances . (Science Advances, December 2023, 9(50))
Academic Journal
Alpizar-Sosa, E.A.; Ithnin, N.R.B.; Pountain, A.W.; Donachie, A.M.; Ritchie, R.; Dickie, E.A.; Burchmore, R.J.S.; Barrettid, M.P.; Wei, W.; Denny, P.W.; Weidt, S.K.
In: PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases . (PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, September 2022, 16(9))
Academic Journal
Dickie, E.A.; Major, L.L.; Smith, T.K.; Ronin, C.; Ciesielski, F.; Trouche, N.; Ciapetti, P.; Sá, M.; Tavares, J.; Santarem, N.; Cordeiro-Da-Silva, A.; Pemberton, I.K.; MacDougall, J.
In: Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy . (Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, July 2021, 65(7))
Academic Journal
Mina, J.G.M.; Charlton, R.L.; Escrivani, D.O.; Brown, C.; Steel, P.G.; Alpizar-Sosa, E.; Alqaisi, A.; Wei, W.; Denny, P.W.; Dickie, E.A.; Barrett, M.P.; Borsodi, M.P.G.; Coutinho-Silva, R.; Rossi-Bergmann, B.; Figueiredo, C.P.; De Lima, E.V.; Merritt, A.; Smith, T.K.
In: ACS Infectious Diseases . (ACS Infectious Diseases, 8 January 2021, 7(1):47-63)
Academic Journal
In: PLoS neglected tropical diseases . (PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 1 December 2020, 14(12):e0008928)
Academic Journal
In: Parasitology . (Parasitology, 1 April 2019, 146(5):604-616)
Academic Journal
Steketee, P.C.; Iremonger, J.; Paxton, E.; Jayaraman, S.; Alfituri, O.A.; Morrison, L.J.; Dickie, E.A.; Crouch, K.; Ritchie, R.; Barrett, M.P.; Awuah-Mensah, G.; Gadelha, C.; Wickstead, B.; Schnaufer, A.; Rowan, T.; de Koning, H.P.
In: PLoS Pathogens . (PLoS Pathogens, July 2021, 17(7))
Academic Journal
Dickie, E.A.; Giordani, F.; Gould, M.K.; Barrett, M.P.; Mäser, P.; Burri, C.; Mottram, J.C.; Rao, S.P.S.
In: Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease . (Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 2020, 5(1))
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[AR] Dickie, E.A.
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