에서 검색결과 155건 | 목록
Academic Journal
In AJIC: American Journal of Infection Control 2005 33(4):238-242
Academic Journal
Desbiens, Norman A. ; Mueller-Rizner, Nancy ; Connors, Alfred F., Jr. ; Wenger, Neil S. ; Lynn, Joanne
In Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 1999 17(4):248-255
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
Garland, Allan; Dawson, Neal V.; Altmann, Irene; Thomas, Charles L.; Phillips, Russell S.; Tsevat, Joel; Desbiens, Norman A.; Bellamy, Paul E.; Knaus, William A.; Connors, Jr., Alfred F.
Academic Journal
The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. 335(2):137-140
Academic Journal
The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. 328(6):319-322
Academic Journal
The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. 337(3):185-187
Academic Journal
Desbiens, Norman A., MD; Mueller-Rizner, Nancy, BS; Hamel, Mary Beth, MD; Connors, Alfred F., Jr., MD, for the SUPPORT Investigators
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 16(5):281-289
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[AR] Desbiens, Norman A.
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