에서 검색결과 196건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Jakovljevic, Katarina; Kober, Kord M.; Block, Astrid; Cooper, Bruce A.; Paul, Steven M.; Hammer, Marilyn J.; Cartwright, Frances; Conley, Yvette P.; Wright, Fay; Dunn, Laura B.; Levine, Jon D.; Miaskowski, Christine
In Journal of Pain and Symptom Management January 2021 61(1):24-31
Academic Journal
Shin, Joosun; Hammer, Marilyn; Cooley, Mary; Cooper, Bruce; Paul, Steven; Cartwright, Frances; Kober, Kord; Conley, Yvette; Levine, Jon; Miaskowski, Christine
Cancer Medicine. 13(3)
Academic Journal
Singh, Komal P.; Dhruva, Anand; Flowers, Elena; Paul, Steven M.; Hammer, Marilyn J.; Wright, Fay; Cartwright, Frances; Conley, Yvette P.; Melisko, Michelle; Levine, Jon D.; Miaskowski, Christine; Kober, Kord M.
In Journal of Pain and Symptom Management June 2020 59(6):1248-1259
Academic Journal
Han, Claire J.; Reding, Kerryn; Cooper, Bruce A.; Paul, Steven M.; Conley, Yvette P.; Hammer, Marilyn; Wright, Fay; Cartwright, Frances; Levine, Jon D.; Miaskowski, Christine
In Journal of Pain and Symptom Management August 2019 58(2):224-234
Academic Journal
Calvo-Schimmel, Alejandra; Paul, Steven M; Cooper, Bruce A; Shin, Joosun; Harris, Carolyn; Oppegaard, Kate; Hammer, Marilyn J; Cartwright, Frances; Conley, Yvette P; Kober, Kord M; Levine, Jon D; Miaskowski, Christine
Cancer Nursing. 46(6)
Academic Journal
Singh, Komal P.; Kober, Kord M.; Dhruva, Anand A.; Flowers, Elena; Paul, Steve M.; Hammer, Marilyn J.; Cartwright, Frances; Wright, Fay; Conley, Yvette P.; Levine, Jon D.; Miaskowski, Christine
In Journal of Pain and Symptom Management September 2018 56(3):352-362
Academic Journal
Shin, Joosun; Oppegaard, Kate; Calvo-Schimmel, Alejandra; Harris, Carolyn; Cooper, Bruce A; Paul, Steven M; Conley, Yvette P; Hammer, Marilyn J; Cartwright, Frances; Kober, Kord M; Levine, Jon D; Miaskowski, Christine
Cancer Nursing. 46(3)
Academic Journal
Oppegaard, Kate R.; Conley, Yvette P.; Paul, Steven; Cooper, Bruce; Harris, Carolyn S.; Shin, Joosun; Morse, Lisa; Levine, Jon D.; Cartwright, Frances; Roy, Ritu; Melisko, Michelle; Kober, Kord M.; Hammer, Marilyn J.; Miaskowski, Christine
Journal of Neural Transmission: Translational Neuroscience, Neurology and Preclinical Neurological Studies, Psychiatry and Preclinical Psychiatric Studies. :1-12
Academic Journal
Wright, Fay; D'Eramo Melkus, Gail; Hammer, Marilyn; Schmidt, Brian L.; Knobf, M. Tish; Paul, Steven M.; Cartwright, Frances; Mastick, Judy; Cooper, Bruce A.; Chen, Lee-May; Melisko, Michelle; Levine, Jon D.; Kober, Kord; Aouizerat, Bradley E.; Miaskowski, Christine
In Journal of Pain and Symptom Management August 2015 50(2):176-189
Academic Journal
Wright, Fay; D'Eramo Melkus, Gail; Hammer, Marilyn; Schmidt, Brian L.; Knobf, M. Tish; Paul, Steven M.; Cartwright, Frances; Mastick, Judy; Cooper, Bruce A.; Chen, Lee-May; Melisko, Michelle; Levine, Jon D.; Kober, Kord; Aouizerat, Bradley E.; Miaskowski, Christine
In Journal of Pain and Symptom Management August 2015 50(2):163-175
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[AR] Cartwright, Frances
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