에서 검색결과 81건 | 목록
Electronic Resource
Academic Journal
Jilani, I; Estey, E; Manshuri, T; Caligiuri, M; Keating, M; Giles, F; Thomas, D; Kantarjian, H; Albitar, M
Academic Journal
Strack, P; Caligiuri, M; Pelletier, M; Boisclair, M; Theodoras, A; Beer-Romero, P; Glass, S; Parsons, T; Copeland, R A; Auger, K R; Benfield, P; Brizuela, L; Rolfe, M
Atlas of lesion locations and postsurgical seizure freedom in focal cortical dysplasia: A MELD study
Electronic Resource
Wagstyl, K; Whitaker, K; Raznahan, A; Seidlitz, J; Vertes, PE; Foldes, S; Humphreys, Z; Hu, W; Mo, J; Likeman, M; Davies, S; Lenge, M; Cohen, NT; Tang, Y; Wang, S; Ripart, M; Chari, A; Tisdall, M; Bargallo, N; Conde-Blanco, E; Carlos Pariente, J; Pascual-Diaz, S; Delgado-Martinez, I; Perez-Enriquez, C; Lagorio, I; Abela, E; Mullatti, N; O'Muircheartaigh, J; Vecchiato, K; Liu, Y; Caligiuri, M; Sinclair, B; Vivash, L; Willard, A; Kandasamy, J; McLellan, A; Sokol, D; Semmelroch, M; Kloster, A; Opheim, G; Yasuda, C; Zhang, K; Hamandi, K; Barba, C; Guerrini, R; Gaillard, WD; You, X; Wang, I; Gonzalez-Ortiz, S; Severino, M; Striano, P; Tortora, D; Kalviainen, R; Gambardella, A; Labate, A; Desmond, P; Lui, E; O'Brien, T; Shetty, J; Jackson, G; Duncan, JS; Winston, GP; Pinborg, L; Cendes, F; Cross, JH; Baldeweg, T; Adler, S
Academic Journal
Kurian, S M; Le-Niculescu, H; Patel, S D; Bertram, D; Davis, J; Dike, C; Yehyawi, N; Lysaker, P; Dustin, J; Caligiuri, M; Lohr, J; Lahiri, D K; Nurnberger, J I, Jr; Faraone, S V; Geyer, M A; Tsuang, M T; Schork, N J; Salomon, D R; Niculescu, A B
Molecular Psychiatry. Jan 01, 2011 16(1):37-58
Academic Journal
Ozdemir, V; Aklillu, E; Mee, S; Bertilsson, L; Albers, LJ; Graham, JE; Caligiuri, M; Lohr, JB; Reist, C
Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy. 7(2):119-133
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; March 1990, Vol. 87 Issue: 6 p2274-2278, 5p
Molecular Biology of the Cell; June 1997, Vol. 8 Issue: 6 p1105-1115, 11p
Molecular Biology of the Cell; June 1997, Vol. 8 Issue: 6 p1117-1128, 12p
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[AR] Caligiuri, M
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