에서 검색결과 8건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Baronti, L.; Raveh-Amit, H.; Dinnyés, A.; Hošek, T.; Gil-Caballero, S.; Ayala, I.; Brutscher, B.; Calçada, E.O.; Felli, I.C.; Pierattelli, R.
In: Biophysical Journal . (Biophysical Journal, 11 April 2017, 112(7):1366-1373)
Academic Journal
Nogueira, M.O.; Hošek, T.; Calçada, E.O.; Castiglia, F.; Felli, I.C.; Pierattelli, R.; Massimi, P.; Banks, L.
In: Virology . (Virology, 1 March 2017, 503:70-75)
Academic Journal
In: Chemistry - A European Journal . (Chemistry - A European Journal, 5 September 2016, 22(37):13010-13013)
Academic Journal
Piai, A.; Calçada, E.O.; Tarenzi, T.; Grande, A.D.; Felli, I.C.; Pierattelli, R.; Varadi, M.; Tompa, P.
In: Biophysical Journal . (Biophysical Journal, 19 January 2016, 110(2):372-381)
Academic Journal
Bird, L.J.; Park, S.; Newman, D.K.; Saraiva, I.H.; Louro, R.O.; Calçada, E.O.; Salgueiro, C.A.; Nitschke, W.
In: Journal of Bacteriology . (Journal of Bacteriology, February 2014, 196(4):850-858)
Academic Journal
In: ChemBioChem . (ChemBioChem, September 2013, 14(14):1876-1882)
(Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 22 September 2015, 870:187-213)
Academic Journal
In: Advances in experimental medicine and biology . (Advances in experimental medicine and biology, 2015, 870:187-213)
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[AR] Calçada, E.O.
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