에서 검색결과 332건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Brandstätter, Franz; Brack, André; Baglioni, Pietro; Cockell, Charles S.; Demets, René; Edwards, Howell G.M.; Kurat, Gero; Osinski, Gordon R.; Pillinger, Judith M.; Roten, Claude-Alain; Sancisi-Frey, Suzy
In Planetary and Space Science 2008 56(7):976-984
Academic Journal
In Journal of Chromatography A 2008 1180(1):131-137
Academic Journal
Dass, Avinash Vicholous; Jaber, Maguy; Brack, André; Foucher, Frédéric; Kee, Terence P.; Georgelin, Thomas; Westall, Frances
Academic Journal
International Journal of Astrobiology; Oct2022, Vol. 21 Issue 5, p352-355, 4p
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
In Planetary and Space Science 2002 50(4):353-359
Academic Journal
Westall, Frances; Brack, André ; Hofmann, Beda; Horneck, Gerda; Kurat, Gero; Maxwell, James; Ori, Gian Gabriele; Pillinger, Colin; Raulin, François; Thomas, Nicolas; Fitton, Brian; Clancy, Paul; Prieur, Daniel; Vassaux, Didier
In Planetary and Space Science 2000 48(2):181-202
Academic Journal
In Analytical Biochemistry 15 May 1999 270(1):181-184
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[AR] Brack, Andre
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