에서 검색결과 13건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Bouzek, D.C.; Pope, C.E.; Wolter, D.J.; Hayden, H.S.; Pittman, J.E.; Ratjen, F.; Rosenfeld, M.; Hoffman, L.R.
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. 23:S141-S141
Academic Journal
In: Pediatric Pulmonology . (Pediatric Pulmonology, July 2022, 57(7):1709-1716)
Academic Journal
Bouzek, D.C.; Abou Alaiwa, M.H.; Adam, R.J.; Pezzulo, A.A.; Reznikov, L.R.; Cook, D.P.; Aguilar Pescozo, M.I.; Gross, T.J.; Hornick, D.B.; Stoltz, D.A.; Hoffman, E.A.; Eyck, P.T.; Wu, C.; Meyerholz, D.K.
In: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine . (American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 15 September 2021, 204(6):692-702)
Academic Journal
Adam, R.J.; Alaiwa, M.H.A.; Bouzek, D.C.; Cook, D.P.; Gansemer, N.D.; Taft, P.J.; Powers, L.S.; Stroik, M.R.; Hoegger, M.J.; McMenimen, J.D.; Hoffman, E.A.; Zabner, J.; Welsh, M.J.; Stoltz, D.A.; Meyerholz, D.K.
In: Journal of Applied Physiology . (Journal of Applied Physiology, September 2017, 123(3):526-533)
Academic Journal
Ostedgaard, L.S.; Moninger, T.O.; McMenimen, J.D.; Sawin, N.M.; Parker, C.P.; Thornell, I.M.; Powers, L.S.; Gansemer, N.D.; Bouzek, D.C.; Cook, D.P.; Alaiwa, M.H.A.; Stoltz, D.A.; Welsh, M.J.; Meyerholz, D.K.
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 27 June 2017, 114(26):6842-6847)
Academic Journal
Steines, B.; Dickey, D.D.; Li, X.; Abou Alaiwa, M.H.; Shah, V.S.; Bouzek, D.C.; Powers, L.S.; Gansemer, N.D.; Ostedgaard, L.S.; Stoltz, D.A.; Welsh, M.J.; Zabner, J.; Sinn, P.L.; Bergen, J.; Weinstein, J.R.; Schaffer, D.V.; Excoffon, K.J.D.A.; Yan, Z.; Engelhardt, J.F.
In: JCI Insight . (JCI Insight, 8 September 2016, 1(14))
Academic Journal
Cooney, A.L.; Abou Alaiwa, M.H.; Shah, V.S.; Bouzek, D.C.; Stroik, M.R.; Powers, L.S.; Gansemer, N.D.; Meyerholz, D.K.; Welsh, M.J.; Stoltz, D.A.; Sinn, P.L.; McCray, P.B.
In: JCI Insight . (JCI Insight, 8 September 2016, 1(14))
Academic Journal
Cook, D.P.; Rector, M.V.; Bouzek, D.C.; Michalski, A.S.; Gansemer, N.D.; Reznikov, L.R.; Li, X.; Stroik, M.R.; Ostedgaard, L.S.; Alaiwa, M.H.A.; Stoltz, D.A.; Thompson, M.A.; Prakash, Y.S.; Krishnan, R.; Meyerholz, D.K.; Seow, C.Y.
In: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine . (American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 15 February 2016, 193(4):417-426)
Academic Journal
Awadalla, M.; Alaiwa, M.H.A.; Adam, R.J.; Bouzek, D.C.; Michalski, A.S.; Hoffman, E.A.; Stoltz, D.A.; Fuld, M.K.; Miyawaki, S.; Lin, C.-L.; Reynolds, K.J.
In: Annals of Biomedical Engineering . (Annals of Biomedical Engineering, April 2014, 42(4):915-927)
Academic Journal
Adam, R.J.; Michalski, A.S.; Alaiwa, M.H.A.; Gross, T.J.; Awadalla, M.S.; Bouzek, D.C.; Gansemer, N.D.; Taft, P.J.; Hoegger, M.J.; Diwakar, A.; Hoffman, E.A.; Beichel, R.R.; Stoltz, D.A.; Bauer, C.; Ochs, M.; Reinhardt, J.M.; Meyerholz, D.K.
In: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine . (American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 15 December 2013, 188(12):1434-1441)
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[AR] Bouzek, D.C.
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