에서 검색결과 8건 | 목록
Khalil, Alain Abou; Berisset, Michael; Gibert, Luna; Pierre, Christophe; Milla, M.J.; Billotte, Thomas; Amrani, Foued; Popenda, Maciej; Gerome, Frederic; Debord, Benoit; Benabid, Fetah; Castaing, Marc
2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC) Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), 2023 Conference on. :1-1 Jun, 2023
Glebov, Alexei L.; Leisher, Paul O.; Boullet, Johan; Bardin, Yves Vincent; Bérisset, Michael; Pierre, Christophe
Proceedings of SPIE; March 2021, Vol. 11667 Issue: 1 p116670I-116670I-6, 1050037p
Glebov, Alexei L.; Leisher, Paul O.; Boullet, Johan; Vinçont, Cyril; Bérisset, Michael; Pierre, Christophe
Proceedings of SPIE; March 2021, Vol. 11667 Issue: 1 p116670F-116670F-7, 1050038p
Boivinet, Simon; Pellegrina, Alain; Ranc, Lucas; Morbieu, Thomas; Vidal, Sébastien; Yehouessi, Jean-Paul; Morin, Philippe; Lecommandoux, Hugo; Robin, Kevin; Vinçont, Cyril; Pierre, Christophe; Berisset, Michaël; Machinet, Guillaume; Loulier, Alexandre; Boullet, Johan; Besaucele, Hervé; Beaurepaire, Benoit; Casagrande, Olivier; Simon-Boisson, Christophe; Laux, Sébastien; Ricaud, Sandrine
Applied Optics; August 2020, Vol. 59 Issue: 24 p7390-7395, 6p
Academic Journal
Boivinet, Simon; Pellegrina, Alain; Ranc, Lucas; Morbieu, Thomas; Vidal, Sebastien; Yehouessi, Jean-Paul; Morin, Philippe; Lecommandoux, Hugo; Robin, Kevin; Vincont, Cyril; Pierre, Christophe; Berisset, Michael; Machinet, Guillaume; Loulier, Alexandre; Boullet, Johan; Besaucele, Herve; Beaurepaire, Benoit; Casagrande, Olivier; Simon-Boisson, Christophe; Laux, Sebastien; Ricaud, Sandrine
Glebov, Alexei L.; Leisher, Paul O.; Boullet, Johan; Bardin, Yves Vincent; Bérisset, Michael; Pierre, Christophe
Proceedings of SPIE; 12/30/2020, Vol. 11667, p116670I-116670I-6, 1p
Glebov, Alexei L.; Leisher, Paul O.; Boullet, Johan; Vinçont, Cyril; Bérisset, Michael; Pierre, Christophe
Proceedings of SPIE; 12/30/2020, Vol. 11667, p116670F-116670F-7, 1p
Glebov, Alexei L.; Leisher, Paul O.; Berisset, Michael; Lebrun, Léo; Faucon, Marc; Kling, Rainer; Boullet, Johan; Aguergaray, Claude
Proceedings of SPIE; March 2016, Vol. 9730 Issue: 1 p973014-973014-7
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[AR] Berisset, Michael
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