
Motivations for and Family Communication about Organ Donation: Applying the Transtheoretical Stages of Change Model.
Document Type
Conference Papers -- International Communication Association. 2004 Annual Meeting, p1. 47p.
Building on past organ donation research that has applied the transtheoretical/stages of changes model to decisions to donate organs and to talk to one's family about one's organ donation decisions, the present study looked at the role of possible motivations for donation as moderating factors between the traditionally used decisional balance (attitudinal) items and the outcomes measures of stages of willingness to donate and to talk to one's family about donation. The data indicate that altruistic motivations (to "do good") predict positive decisional balance items, and fear of loss of body parts predict negative decisional balance items. Motivations related to self image do not predict either set of decisional balance items. Both positive and negative decisional balance items are predictive of donation stage, as is fear of loss of body parts. Stage of willingness to talk to one's family about donation was predicted by fear of loss of body parts, negative decisional balance items, and stage of donation decision. The data indicate not only directions for organ donation message designers, but also a broader applicability of the transtheoretical/stages of change model than has been offered in past research. ..PAT.-Unpublished Manuscript [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]