
Use Every Resource to Create Win/Win Relationships: Public Speaking goes Public.
Document Type
Conference Papers -- National Communication Association. 2008, p1. 0p.
*Public speaking
*Oral communication
Semester system in education
I think my idea for "Circles" this year is right in line with the unCONVENTIONal! theme. It's a way for public speaking classes to reach out to other departments and indeed other divisions within the institution and "Use Every Resource to Create Win/Win Relationships."There are a number of ways that public speaking instructors can create service learning opportunities that involve both their own students and students and staff from other parts of their institution. For example, later this semester a student in one of my public speaking classes will perform his informative speech on using correct technique during resistance training in Dalton State College's newly created fitness center. In doing so, he will have access to the best visual aids available—state-of-the-art Cybex machines—and the fitness center will have 28 potential new users walk through the door and essentially receive an orientation to the facility. Since fitness center funding is in large part based on just how often students and staff use the facility, the more exposure and emphasis the better. But other opportunities exist as well. Students from nursing or EMT departments could assist public speaking students in speeches about how to take blood pressure; automotive or carpentry departments from a school's technical division could assist with speeches about changing automobile engine oil or how to build a deck; and at schools with centers of continuing education, kitchen facilities and meeting space there could provide speech students an opportunity to showcase their cooking skills during process speeches on particular recipes. Here once again, speech students benefit by having access to a superior setting outside the classroom, and another part of the campus benefits by increased use and exposure. No doubt, too, the institution "wins" in a more global way by fostering a culture of collaboration among its respective units. So if the popular 1960s musical The Sound of Music featured "Climb Every Mountain," my contribution to S/L Circles in San Diego would attempt to convince convention-goers to "Use Every Resource." ..PAT.-Unpublished Manuscript [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

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