
Babies admitted to NICU/ICU: province of birth and mode of delivery matter.
Document Type
Healthcare Quarterly (HEALTHC Q), 2011; 14(2): 16-20. (5p)
Neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) and intensive care units (ICUs) provide care for newborns in need of specialized medical attention. Across Canada, rates of NICU/ICU admission vary. Due to the high cost of monitoring and interventions these admissions cost more than general newborn stays DS whether the newborn is in a specialized NICU or in an ICU in those facilities without specialized units for newborns. This study explores the variation in NICU/ICU admissions and the characteristics of mothers and newborns associated with an increased likelihood of NICU/ICU admission. We focus further on the association between NICU/ICU admission and Caesarean section (C-section). After excluding multiple births, preterm births, small for gestational age births and those delivered by women with select complications, we find an increased risk for NICU/ICU admission for babies born by C-section as their only indication. NICU/ICU admission following C-section alone may not represent the most desirable pathway of care for these newborns.