
Comparing Digital Health Strategies and COVID-19 Response in European Union Member States...14th European Public Health Conference (Virtual), Public health futures in a changing world, November 10-12, 2021.
Document Type
Academic Journal
European Journal of Public Health (EUR J PUBLIC HEALTH), 2021 Supplement; 31: iii403-iii404. (2p)
Background: In 2019, Digital Health was on the agenda of the European Union (EU) and its Member States (MS), and the digital health transformation of both healthcare services and Public Health has been well underway for several years. The COVID-19 pandemic crisis required an unexpectedly quick adaptation of social norms and exerted great pressure on healthcare and public health systems. Although implemented strategies and results have varied, Digital Health tools emerged as a fundamental aspect of the pandemic fight across the EU. Methods: The objective of this study was to determine and compare Digital Health Strategies and COVID-19 Response in EU MS 43% had no interoperability with other apps. We analyzed the 27 MS of the EU and determined several parameters relevant before and during the pandemic: 1 - Preexisting national digital health strategy in 2019; 2 - COVID-19 General Information Website; 3 - Real time updated COVID-19 online dashboard; 4 - Mobile application for contact tracing; 4.1 - Mobile app launch date; 4.2 - Interoperability with other mobile apps; 5 - Shift to telemedicine; 6 - Official public health communication through social media; 7 - Dedicated COVID19 Information System for Public Health Workforce. Information from publicly available sources. Results: All EU MS had a preexisting digital health strategy before the pandemic, developed a dedicated COVID-19 General Information Website and a COVID-19 dashboard with realtime updates on relevant statistics. The majority of MS (79%) developed a mobile app for contact tracing (43% had no interoperability with other apps), and of those that had not developed an app as of April 30th 2021, 50% had one under development. Most apps were launched in the first trimester of 2021. Other results were heterogeneous. Conclusions: In some aspects, there is a clear convergence between EU MS in the deployment of digital health tools to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Key messages: All European Union Member States used digital health tools to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. The success of national level deployment of specific digital health tools must be assessed in order to develop a more integrated digital health response plan at the European level in the future.