
OP054 THE EFFECT OF BOTULINUM TOXIN-A ON WOUND HEALING IN STREPTOZOCIN-INDUCED DIABETIC RATS...European Wound Management Association (EWMA) Conference, May 3-5, 2023, Milan, Italy
Document Type
Academic Journal
Journal of Wound Management Jul2023; 24(2): 414-414. (1p)
Aim: Although botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A), having therapeutic effects on wound healing, its impact on diabetic wounds remains unknown. In this study, we evaluated the potential restorative effect of BTX-A on wound healing in Streptozocin-induced diabetic rats. Method: The experimental procedures were performed on 72 female Wistar rats. Diabetes model was induced by streptozocin (60 mg/kg, i.p., single dose) injection. Rats with blood glucose levels; 200 mg/dl and greater were diagnosed with diabetes mellitus (DM) 3 days after injection. Thirty-one diabetic rats, surviving after a week, were divided into DM (Group 1, n=9), DM+Chlorhexidine (CGC) (Group 2, n=10) and DM+BTX-A (Group 3, n=12) groups. A one cm diameter incision was made on each subject. The Controls (n=17) and Group 1 dressed using only gauze patches. Wound dressings (0.5% CGC) were placed in Group 2, and BTX-A (20IU, 1 ml, single dose) was administered around the wounds of the Group 3 and dressed in a gauze patch. The wound diameters were calculated on Day 5 and additionally on Day 7 in which the rats were euthanized. The wound tissues were excised, including skin, subcutaneous and muscular tissues, and were evaluated histologically. Results/Discussion: On Day 5 and Day 7, the wound healing percentage of Group 3 was higher than the others (p<0.001). Apart from Group 1, all others had similar wound healing at each time point. In the histologic assessment, Group 3 displayed better-wound closure with re-epithelization exhibiting keratohyalin granules within the cytoplasm of granular stratum cells indicating epidermal maturation. Conclusion: BTX-A injection for diabetic wounds is an effective treatment option. Nevertheless, future clinical trials are needed to strengthen our argument.