
Endoscopic resection as unique treatment for early colorectal cancer.
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Spanish Journal of Gastroenterology / Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas (REV ESP ENFERMEDADES DIGEST), 2010 Jul; 102(7): 435-441. (7p)
Colonoscopic screening in developed countries allows detection and resection of a great number of early colorectal cancers. There is a strong controversy to decide when endoscopic treatment is enough or when surgical resection is necessary. To this contributes the diverse names to define the lesions, the wide number of classifications and the different criteria of each author. We perform an extense literature review, aiming to clarify concepts and unify criteria that can be used as a guide for the treatment of early colorectal cancer. We conclude that in early colorectal cancer arising in pedunculated polyps (0-Ip), mucosal endoscopic resection would be indicated as only treatment in Haggitt levels 1, 2 and 3, tumors smaller than 2 cm, well- or moderately differentiated, without vascular or lymphatic affection, with submucosal infiltration lower than 1 microm from the muscularis mucosae and maximal submucosal width lower than 4 microm, and undergoing en bloc resection. In sessile polyps (0-Is) or non-polypoideal elevated (0-IIa) or plain (0-IIb) lesions, recommendations will be similar, without applicability of Haggitt levels.