
Alternative birthing center: experience in a teaching obstetric service.
Document Type
Academic Journal
American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology (AM J OBSTET GYNECOL), 1980 Jun 1; 137: 377-381. (5p)
The Illinois Masonic Medical Center's (IMMC) experience with an Alternative Birthing Center (ABC), established as an integral part of the conventional obstetric suite, has proved to be a safe and efficacious method of providing a true alternative to high technology obstetric care to those carefully screened, low-risk patients who elect this form of childbirth experience. However, the high transfer rate (23.8%) and substantial cesarean birth rate (9.17%) in this low-risk group of patients do demonstrate the necessity for the immediate availability of conventional and high technology obstetric facilities, as well. The low incidence of neonatal morbidity demonstrates that the ABC is a safe environment for the neonate. Acceptance and utilization of the ABC by consumers and professionals is rapidly increasing as it is demonstrated to be a safe alternative to birth in a conventional delivery suite or home delivery.