
Relation between informations, anxiety and satisfaction in oncological and surgical patients [sic].
Document Type
Academic Journal
Professioni Infermieristiche (PROF INFERM), 2006 Jan; 59(1): 3-7. (5p)
A surgical and oncological patient feel anguish, anxiety and fear when he know his health problems. Information is a very important factor for reducing anxiety level of patient and, at the same time, affects his perceived satisfaction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of informations giving by one or more physicians on anxiety and satisfaction of patient. We have used the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (S.T.A.I.) and the Perceived Physician Communication Style Scale for evaluating anxiety and patient perceived satisfaction in medical encounter. We have involved 36 oncological and surgical patients admitted in General Surgery Department of University Hospital of Udine. The findings showed that patients post-consultation and post-information encounter anxiety level became lower when there were only one physician giving informations; instead there were no significant differences between perceived satisfaction inside groups of patients. Nevertheless case group patients perceived more disposition in listening of physician.