
Art therapy in oncology's nursing care: productions, expressions and meanings among patients and graduation students.
Document Type
Academic Journal
Anna Nery School Journal of Nursing / Escola Anna Nery Revista de Enfermagem (ESC ANNA NERY REV ENFERMAGEM), 2007 Jun; 11(2): 227-233. (7p)
The objective of this article is to report the experience lived by a group of students of the Course of Graduation in Nursing of the Federal University of Ceara (Brazil), in the Administration of the Process of Work in Nursing II discipline, in the administration of the idleness of the patients in a hospital of Fortaleza - Ceara, Brazil. The didactic experience was a plastic representation from the Cognitive and Behavioral Reference Picture carried through in April of 2002, and had as citizens seven patients and six students of nursing. The artistic creativity of the patients flowed in consequence of the dialogue of the artist with the production. The analysis of the artistic productions was complemented by the observations of the students. The produced pieces had been interpreted with the help of the test of colors from Luscher which allowed infer in the behavior and in the feelings exteriorized in the varied colors selected by the patients.

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