
A Study on Blood Pressure, Dyslipidaemia Characteristics towards Biochemical Profile among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Which Attending Hospital USM.
Document Type
Academic Journal
International Medical Journal (INT MED J), oct2020; 27(5): 549-552. (4p)
Introduction: Dyslipidaemia is one of the main risk factors for coronary heart disease with diabetes mellitus. Diabetic dyslipidaemia is associated with a decreased concentration of HDL cholesterol, high concentration of plasma triglyceride, and increased small dense LDL-cholesterol particles concentration. Objective: The aim of this paper is to study the blood pressure, dyslipidaemia characteristics towards biochemical profiles among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus which attending the outpatient clinic in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia. Method: The biochemical profile will be checked for the differences according to the dyslipidaemia characteristics and status of hypertension using independent t-test. All the significant variables which obtained from the first analysis will be used for contour and surface plot analysis. Through these methodologies, the behaviour of significant variables will be illustrated and estimated carefully. Results: Those patients with and without dyslipidaemia problem, only three factors show the significant different, which referred as triglycerides, creatinine and sodium. Those patients with and without hypertension problem, only fasting blood sugar, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and urea reading had showed the result of quite significant differences. Thus, patient with dyslipidaemia characteristics usually having high level of sodium. High sodium (138.74 mEq/L) intake contributed to increased etiology of dyslipidaemia, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) hypercholesterolemia, and a risk of being overweight. The creatinine level shows the significant differences among a patient with and without dyslipidaemia. Patients without dyslipidaemia disease having the level of creatinine, 107.80 (28.54) μmol/L compared to 81.52 (34.65) μmol/L. Triglycerides level among dyslipidaemia in patient with type 2 diabetes patients is elevated triglyceride level and decreased HDL cholesterol levels. Conclusion: The utmost finding from this study, it provides a very useful information to the diabetic patients for future management action plan.