
Subjective Judgments on Direct and Generative Retrieval of Autobiographical Memory: The Role of Interoceptive Sensibility and Emotion
Document Type
Academic Journal
Matsumoto, Noboru (Shinshu University); Watson, Lynn Ann (Aarhus University); Fujino, Masahiro (Kyoto University); Ito, Yuichi (Kwansei Gakuin University); Kobayashi, Masanori (Yamagata University)
Memory & Cognition; 2022 Dec; 50(8): 1644-1663.  [Journal Detail] Springer.
autobiographical memory; relationship to cued recall; subjectivity; emotions
1532-5946 (electronic)
Autobiographical remembering is a subjective experience, and whether retrieval is perceived to occur through involuntary or voluntary, direct or generative cognitive processes is also based on subjective intuition. The present study examined factors that may contribute to the subjective judgment that occurs when we perceive memories as being retrieved directly (i.e., a memory comes to mind directly and immediately) or through generative processes (i.e., recalling a memory with effort or by using additional information). We examined the hypothesis that internal awareness (interoceptive sensibility and mindfulness traits) contributes to the physical reaction and emotional impact of memories at retrieval, which then influence the subjective judgment that memories are retrieved directly. In two online experiments, participants were asked to recall specific memories following verbal cues and to judge the retrieval process (i.e., direct or generative). We demonstrated that emotional awareness, an interoceptive sensibility scale factor, consistently predicted a high probability of direct retrieval judgments independent of other predictors of direct retrieval, such as retrieval latency and cue concreteness. This effect was especially common for concrete cues. In Experiment 2 we demonstrated that emotional awareness predicted direct retrieval judgments through the mediation of retrieval impact (physical reaction and emotional impact). These results indicate the involvement of interoceptive processing in the direct retrieval of autobiographical memories. We discuss the role of interoception in memory retrieval and present interoceptive prediction error as a novel and potentially integrative account of our findings.