
Silencio y maternidad: Análisis de los estereotipos maternos en los cuentos "La maldición de Eva (tragedia en siete actos)" y "Cuando Dios llamó [tocó] a mi puerta" de Liliana Blum
Document Type
Academic Journal
Ramírez Magadán, Perla (Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas)
Catedral Tomada: Journal of Latin American Criticism; 2023; 11(21): 82-101.  [Journal Detail] University of Pittsburgh Library System.
treatment of motherhood
2169-0847 (electronic)
The idealization of motherhood has led to the reduction of this complex role to stereotypes and restrictive gender roles. Both social and religious discourse have spread the idea of the maternal instinct, creating expectations and symbolism about the role that women should play as mothers. This biological imperative has justified the little or no involvement of fathers in upbringing, delegating all responsibility for childcare to mothers, ignoring the subjective process that each woman experiences when becoming a mother and silencing her needs and voice through this mandate. Mexican writer Liliana Blum –Durango, 1974– has stood out for her ability to give voice and face to what is considered monstrous or taboo. Motherhood was one of the first themes she explored in her narrative. The present work intends to analyze how the author exposes the pressures, stereotypes, and violence that mothers face in differentcontexts of the family and social sphere at the moment of giving birth or losing a child in the stories La maldición de Eva (tragedia en siete actos) and Cuando Dios llamó a mi puerta.