
Preconditioned iterative methods.
Document Type
Proceedings Paper
65 Numerical analysis
  65-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc.
From the publisher's description: ``The articles published in this book first appeared in the International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Volume 28, Numbers 1 to 4; volume 23, Number 2; volume 23, Numbers 3 to 4; volume 30, Numbers 1 to 2; Volume 34, Numbers 3 to 4; Volume 41, Numbers 3 to 4; and Volume 44; Numbers 1 to 4; Jour.\ Inst.\ Math.\ Appl., Volume 4 (1967), pp.\ 295--314; and in The Mathematics of Finite Elements and Applications (1973), pp.\ 427--448. \par ``We thank Academic Press Inc., (London Ltd.), London, England, for granting us permission to reproduce the articles from the Jour.\ Inst.\ Math.\ Appl.\ and The Mathematics of Finite Elements and Applications MAFELAP II, 1972 Conference Proceedings (edited by J. R. Whiteman, 1973).'' \par Contents: D.\ J.\ Evans, Preface (ix--xi); D.\ J.\ Evans, The use of pre-conditioning in iterative methods for solving linear equations with symmetric positive definite matrices (1--20); D.\ J.\ Evans, The analysis and application of sparse matrix algorithms in the finite element method (21--41); Timothy\ N.\ Phillips, Preconditioned iterative methods for elliptic problems on decomposed domains (43--56); D.\ J.\ Evans, M.\ M.\ Martins\ and M.\ E.\ Trigo, On the convergence of some generalized iterative methods with preconditioning (57--66); Jia-Gan\ Hu\ and Xing-Ping\ Liu, Two-parameter parallel Jacobi-type method and its convergence (67--78); Jean-Claude\ Miellou, Pierre\ Spiteri\ and David\ J.\ Evans, Pré-conditionnement S.S.O.R.: optimisation du conditionnement obtenu en fonction du parametre de relaxation [S.S.O.R.\ preconditioning: optimization of the conditioning obtained according to the relaxation parameter] (79--90); Jia-Gan\ Hu, Convergence of BPSD method for $T(q,r)$ matrix (91--101); D.\ J.\ Evans\ and C.\ C.\ Okeke, The modified preconditioned Jacobi method for iterative solution of linear systems of equations (103--119); Markus\ Hegland\ and Paul\ E.\ Saylor, Block Jacobi preconditioning of the conjugate gradient method on a vector processor (121--139); J.\ D. F. Cosgrove, J.\ C.\ Díaz\ and A.\ Griewank, Approximate inverse preconditionings for sparse linear systems (141--160). \par G.\ Zilli, Iterative methods for solving sparse linear systems with a parallel preconditioner (161--169); Y.\ Notay, On the robustness of modified incomplete factorization methods (171--191); Shun\ Doi\ and Atsushi\ Hoshi, Large-numbered multicolor MILU preconditioning on SX-$3/14$ (193--202); Daoud\ S.\ Daoud\ and Nadin\ S.\ Kassir, On the preconditioning of the bidiagonalization technique (203--218); Luc\ Giraud, Pierre\ Spiteri\ and Jean-Claude\ Miellou, S.S.O.R.\ preconditioning behaviour with respect to the relaxation parameter, in the case of by plane discretization of $3$D-problems (219--224); Salvatore\ Filippone, Michele\ Marrone\ and Giuseppe\ Radicati di Brozolo, Parallel preconditioned conjugate-gradient type algorithms for general sparsity structures (225--233); Igor\ E.\ Kaporin, Explicitly preconditioned conjugate gradient method for the solution of unsymmetric linear systems (235--253); Elias\ A.\ Lipitakis\ and George\ A.\ Gravvanis, A class of explicit preconditioned conjugate gradient methods for solving large finite element systems (255--272); Emanuele\ Galligani\ and Valeria\ Ruggiero, The arithmetic mean preconditioner for multivector computers (273--288); D.\ J.\ Evans, The sparse product form of the inverse (SPFI) and its use in iterative methods for solving linear systems (289--300). \par Gundolf\ Haase\ and Ulrich\ Langer, The non-overlapping domain decomposition multiplicative Schwarz method (301--320); Wayne\ D.\ Joubert\ and Graham\ F.\ Carey, Parallelizable restarted iterative methods for nonsymmetric linear systems. I. Theory (321--345); Wayne\ D.\ Joubert\ and Graham\ F.\ Carey, Parallelizable restarted iterative methods for nonsymmetric linear systems. II. Parallel implementation (347--368); Yau\ Shu\ Wong, Preconditioned gradient type methods applied to nonsymmetric linear systems (369--393); Xing-Ping\ Liu, A vectorizable variant of PGCR methods for unsymmetric linear systems (395--404); E.\ F.\ D'Azevedo, P.\ A.\ Forsyth\ and W.-P.\ Tang, Drop tolerance preconditioning for incompressible viscous flow (405--416); Richard\ E.\ Ewing, Jian\ Shen\ and Panayot\ S.\ Vassilevski, Vectorizable preconditioners for mixed finite element solution of second-order elliptic problems (417--431); Zdenĕk Dostál, Conjugate gradient method with preconditioning by projector (433--441); E.\ Barragy\ and G.\ F.\ Carey, Parallel-vector computation with high-$p$ element-by-element methods (443--453); Dumitru\ Adam, Mesh independence of Galerkin approach by preconditioning (455--464); P.\ S.\ Vassilevski\ and H.\ N.\ Djidjev, Incomplete block-factorization preconditioners for solving three-dimensional elliptic difference equations on systolic processors (465--488). \par \{The papers will not be reviewed individually.\}

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