
$r$-norm bounds and metric properties for zero loci of real analytic functions.
Document Type
Torrente, M. (I-CNR12-AMI) AMS Author Profile; Beltrametti, M. C. (I-GENO) AMS Author Profile; Sendra, J. R. (E-ALCA-PM) AMS Author Profile
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (J. Comput. Appl. Math.) (20180101), 336, 375-393. ISSN: 0377-0427 (print).eISSN: 1879-1778.
14 Algebraic geometry -- 14Q Computational aspects in algebraic geometry
  14Q15 Higher-dimensional varieties

15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory -- 15A Basic linear algebra
  15A60 Norms of matrices, numerical range, applications of functional analysis to matrix theory

30 Functions of a complex variable -- 30C Geometric function theory
  30C15 Zeros of polynomials, rational functions, and other analytic functions

68 Computer science -- 68W Algorithms
  68W30 Symbolic computation and algebraic computation
Let $U$ be a convex open subset of $\Bbb R^n$ and let $f_1,\ldots,f_m \: U \to \Bbb R$, for $m \le n$, be real analytic functions. Let $B_r(p,\epsilon)$ denote the ball with center $p$ and radius $\epsilon$ with respect to the $r$-norm $\|x\|_r = (\sum_{i = 1}^n |x_i|^r)^{1/r}$, where $r \in [1,\infty)$ and $\|x\|_\infty = \max_i |x_i|$. In this paper the authors give necessary and sufficient conditions for the non-trivial intersection of the common zero locus of the $f_i$ and the ball $B_r(p,\epsilon)$ (provided that the ball is contained in $U$). The proofs are based on Taylor's formula and the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse (of the Jacobian of $f=(f_1,\ldots,f_m)$). To analyze the inconclusive regime, a heuristic algorithm is proposed. Several numerical examples illustrate the results of the paper. The article is a continuation of the work of M.-L. Torrente and M.~C. Beltrametti [J. Algebra Appl. {\bf 13} (2014), no.~8, 1450057; MR3225124] and E. Saggini and Torrente [J. Algebr. Stat. {\bf 7} (2016), no.~1, 45--71; MR3529334] in which the algebraic hypersurface case and the cases $r =2$ and $r = \infty$ were considered.