
A Helly-type theorem for widths.
Document Type
Proceedings Paper
Sallee, G. T. AMS Author Profile
The geometry of metric and linear spaces (Proc. Conf., Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, Mich., 1974) (19750101), pp.~227-232.
52 Convex and discrete geometry -- 52A General convexity
  52A35 Helly-type theorems and geometric transversal theory
The author gives a metric analogue of the well-known Helly's theorem. Let $w(K)$ be the width of a closed convex set $K$ in $d$-dimensional Euclidean space $E^d$. Theorem: Let $K_1,\cdots,K_n$ be a collection of closed convex sets in $E^d$ with the property that the width of the intersection of every $d+1$ of them is at least $\alpha\geq 0$; then $w(K_1\cap\cdots\cap K_n)=\beta\geq\alpha$; moreover, there exists some $d+1$ of the $K_i$, say $K_1,\cdots,K_{d+1}$, such that $w(K_1\cap\cdots\cap K_{d+1})=\beta$. \par A somewhat weaker version of this theorem for infinite collections of convex sets and a new proof of Helly's theorem are also presented. \par \{For the entire collection see MR0388240 (52 \#9077).\}

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