
On majorization for matrices.
Document Type
Adil Khan, M. (PAK-GCU-SM) AMS Author Profile; Latif, Naveed (PAK-GCU-SM) AMS Author Profile; Pečarić, J. (PAK-GCU-SM) AMS Author Profile; Perić, I. (CT-ZAGRFB) AMS Author Profile
Mathematica Balkanica. New Series (Math. Balkanica (N.S.)) (20130101), 27, no.~1-2, 3-19. ISSN: 0205-3217 (print).
15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory -- 15A Basic linear algebra
  15A99 Miscellaneous topics

26 Real functions -- 26A Functions of one variable
  26A51 Convexity, generalizations
What conditions on the entries of three $n$ by $m$ real matrices $X$, $Y$ and $W$ guarantee that the inequality $$ \sum_{i=1}^{n}\sum_{j=1}^{m}w_{ij}\phi(x_{ij})\ge \sum_{i=1}^{n}\sum_{j=1}^{m}w_{ij}\phi(y_{ij}) $$ holds for all continuous convex functions $\phi$? \par This question was answered in the vector ($m=1$) case by L. Fuchs [Mat. Tidsskr. B. {\bf 1947} (1947), 53--54; MR0024480]. The authors give several results for the general matrix case where $n$ and $m$ are unrestricted. Their first result can be viewed as a straightforward generalization of Fuchs' theorem. Their second result is a necessary and sufficient condition for the above inequality to hold for all continuous convex functions $\phi$ stated in terms of a certain Green function $G$. The remainder of the paper discusses the estimation of $\sum_{i=1}^{n}\sum_{j=1}^{m}w_{ij}[\phi(x_{ij})-\phi(y_{ij})]$ from a number of different points of view.

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