
Ultrametric functional analysis.
Document Type
Proceedings Paper
00 General -- 00B Conference proceedings and collections of papers
  00B30 Festschriften

46 Functional analysis -- 46S Other
  46S10 Functional analysis over fields other than ${\bf R}$ or ${\bf C}$ or the quaternions; non-Archimedean functional analysis
\{The 6th Conference has been reviewed [MR1838276 (2002a:00028)].\} \par Contents: José\ Aguayo\ and Miguel\ Nova, Non-Archimedean integral operators on the space of continuous functions (1--15) 1 977 434 ; Jesús\ Araujo, Isomorphisms with small bound between spaces of $p$-adic continuous functions (17--28) 1 977 435 ; Edward\ Beckenstein\ and Lawrence\ Narici, Automatic continuity of basis separating maps (29--37) 1 977 436 ; Martin\ Berz, Cauchy theory on Levi-Civita fields (39--52) 1 977 437 ; Abdelbaki\ Boutabaa\ and Alain\ Escassut, Uniqueness problems and applications of the ultrametric Nevanlinna theory (53--74) 1 977 438 ; Bertin\ Diarra, The Hopf algebra structure of the space of continuous functions on power series over $\Bbb F_q$ and Carlitz polynomials (75--97) 1 977 439 ; N.\ De Grande-De Kimpe, J.\ Ka̧kol\ and C.\ Perez-Garcia [Cristina\ Pérez-García], Metrizability of compactoid sets in non-Archimedean Hausdorff (LM)-spaces (99--107) 1 977 440 ; A.\ K.\ Katsaras, Strict topologies and vector-measures on non-Archimedean spaces (109--129) 1 977 441 ; A.\ K.\ Katsaras\ and C.\ G.\ Petalas, $p$-adic spaces with strict topologies as topological algebras (131--138) 1 977 442 ; Andrei\ Khrennikov\ and Sergei\ Ludkovsky [S.\ V.\ Lyudkovskiĭ], Non-Archimedean stochastic processes (139--157) 1 977 443 ; Andrei\ Khrennikov, Marcus\ Nilsson\ and Robert\ Nyqvist, The asymptotic number of periodic points of discrete polynomial $p$-adic dynamical systems (159--166) 1 977 444 ; Anatoly\ N.\ Kochubei [A.\ N.\ Kochubeĭ], Analysis and probability over infinite extensions of a local field. II. A multiplicative theory (167--177) 1 977 445 ; Albert\ Kubzdela, The Hahn-Banach subspaces of Banach spaces with base (179--189) 1 977 446 ; Alex\ J.\ Lemin [A.\ Yu.\ Lemin]\ and Vladimir\ Lemin, On metrically universal ultrametric spaces $LV_\tau$ and $LW_\tau$ (191--205) 1 977 447 ; Nicolas\ Maïnetti, Gelfand transform and spectral radius formulae for ultrametric Banach algebras (207--221) 1 977 448 ; P.\ N.\ Natarajan, A theorem on summability factors for regular methods in complete ultrametric fields (223--225) 1 977 449 ; H.\ Ochsenius [Herminia\ Ochsenius A.], Hilbert-like spaces over Krull valued fields (227--238) 1 977 450 ; H.\ Ochsenius [Herminia\ Ochsenius A.]\ and W.\ H.\ Schikhof, Compact operators on non-classical Hilbert spaces (239--249) 1 977 451 ; C.\ Perez-Garcia [Cristina\ Pérez-García], Locally convex spaces over non-Archimedean valued fields (251--279) 1 977 452 ; C.\ Perez-Garcia [Cristina\ Pérez-García]\ and W.\ H.\ Schikhof, Finite-dimensional orthocomplemented subspaces in $p$-adic normed spaces (281--298) 1 977 453 ; Sibylla\ Priess-Crampe\ and Paulo\ Ribenboim, Systems of differential equations over valued fields (299--318) 1 977 454 ; Juan\ Rivera-Letelier, Bi-analytic elements and partial isometries of hyperbolic space (319--343) 1 977 455 ; Marie-Claude\ Sarmant [Marie-Claude\ Sarmant-Durix], Analytic roots of solutions of $p$-adic differential equations (345--368) 1 977 456 ; Khodr\ Shamseddine\ and Martin\ Berz, Measure theory and integration on the Levi-Civita field (369--387) 1 977 457 ; Wiesław\ Śliwa, On block basic sequences in non-Archimedean Fréchet spaces (389--404) 1 977 458 ; Per-Anders\ Svensson, Dynamical systems in unramified or totally ramified extensions of the $p$-adic number field (405--412) 1 977 459 ; Lucien\ van Hamme, $p$-adic analysis and the calculus of finite differences (413--422) 1 977 460 . \par \{The papers are being reviewed individually.\}

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