
Proceedings of the Eleventh Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Vol. III.
Document Type
Proceedings Paper
68 Computer science -- 68A Computers and computer systems
  68A05 Computers and computer systems
Vol. I. Software engineering: Anthony I. Wasserman, Software engineering: a current perspective; Robert W. Hsu, Textual function and readability: the syntax of loop constructs; Alan W. Biermann, Regular LISP program synthesis; Anthony I. Wasserman, Design goals for plain; J. Mack Adams, Experiments on the utility of assertions for debugging; Ann Bowman Fitzsimmons, Relating the presence of software errors to the theory of software science; B. P. Buckles, M. R. Paige, J. P. Ryan and Carl Davis, Computer program development analysis; James A. Weeldreyer and Oris D. Friesen, Multics relational data store: an implementation of a relational data base manager; Oris D. Friesen and James A. Weeldreyer, Multics integrated data store: an implementation of a network data base manager utilizing relational data base methodology; Chin Hwa Lee, Adaptive lockout synchronization of multi-copies file access in a network; W. A. Burkhard, Partialmatch hash coding projection functions; Harvey S. Koch, Determinancy of results and parallel processing; Michael R. Paige, Software design for testability; Anne W. Laffan, The software maintenance problem; Steven Cushing, Algebraic specification of data types in higher order software (HOS); Roger R. Bate and George T. Ligler, A software development methodology: issues, techniques, and tools. \par Vol. II. Management information systems: Broad perspectives on management information systems. An introduction; C. R. Michael Parent, Marketing information systems: development and application by agencies regulating resource use; Robert J. Parden, The limits to MIS growth; John D. Hogan, Improving MIS project management: user and EDP staff roles; The design of management information systems. An introduction; Rosalind Ibrahim, Towards the development of an information system for information system development; Ronald L. Schgill, Procurement information systems: design, implementation, and control; James Cash and Rodney Pearson, Development of a model for internal control evaluation; Benn R. Konsynski and Catherina A. Nawojski, A model of account transactions; Steven D. Wood, Data base system evolution through information retrieval and analysis systems; Philippe Lehot and Steven Hagerth, User-directed data base design; D. Z. Badal, On semantic integrity in centralized and distributed database systems; Decision support systems. An introduction; Eric D. Carlson, An approach for designing decision support systems; Jeffrey H. Moore and Michael Change, An implementation paradox of decision support systems; Jim D. Barnes and James E. Roscher, Marketing information systems: a present assessment and future prediction; Michael Bond, Time-sharing applications to information systems and management decision making; Modeling techniques. An introduction; Michael D. Geurts, Determining the best computerized forecasting model; George J. Klir and Hugo J. J. Uyttenhove, The role of simulation as a laboratory tool of the systems scientist: an example in structure modelling; D. Lazak, Fuzzy sets and artificial intelligence as elements of future MIS-installations; John F. Kottas and Hon Shiang Lau, On modeling dependencies in risk analysis of investment projects; John F. Kottas and Hon Shiang Lau, Effects of discrete time units in queueing simulations; Mark E. Johnson and John S. Ramberg, Transformations of the multivariate normal distribution with applications to simulation; Raymond M. Tamura, Use of Veitch-Karnaugh mapping in management; Special topics. An introduction; Wayne D. Dominick and Glenn A. Shaffer, Information systems for minicomputers and networks: a course proposal for computer science curricula; Harry R. Smith and Kenneth A. Kozar, Underutilization of computing technology in university education. The problem and proposed solutions. \par Vol. III. Mini-micro computers systems: Duc T. Nguyen, J. W. Anderson, B. D. Shriver and R. E. Michelsen, A mathematical model for a virtual machine monitor and its supportive structure; Barry L. Bateman, Jim C. Wetherbe and Chadwick H. Nestman, A model for minicomputer maintenance evaluation and penalty compensation; W. D. Strecker, Optimal design of memory hierarchies; Charles H. Kaman, Robert M. Glorioso and Fernando C. Colon, Control structures for mini and micro computers; Edward E. Ferguson and George T. Ligler, The TI Pascal system: run-time support; James A. Katzman, A fault-tolerant computing system; Joel F. Bartlett, A ``NonStop'' operating system; U. W. Pooch and G. N. Williams, Minicomputers-microcomputers: a role in datacommunication; D. D. Drew, A programmable multiplexer; Thomas H. Kuckertz and Dennis H. Gill, Data acquisition system for laser damage experiments. \par \{The papers will not be reviewed individually.\}

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