
2010 IEEE 51st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science---FOCS 2010.
Document Type
Proceedings Paper
05 Combinatorics
  05-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc.

90 Operations research, mathematical programming
  90-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc.
\{The 50th Symposium has been reviewed [ 2664205 ].\} \par Contents: Nikhil\ Bansal, Constructive algorithms for discrepancy minimization (3--10) 3024770 ; Ilias\ Diakonikolas, Daniel\ M.\ Kane\ and Jelani\ Nelson, Bounded independence fools degree-2 threshold functions (11--20) 3024771 ; Nitin\ Saxena\ and C.\ Seshadhri [Comandur\ Seshadhri], From Sylvester-Gallai configurations to rank bounds: improved black-box identity test for depth-3 circuits (21--29) 3024772 ; Joshua\ Brody\ and Elad\ Verbin, The coin problem, and pseudorandomness for branching programs (30--39) 3024773 ; Mark\ Braverman, Anup\ Rao, Ran\ Raz\ and Amir\ Yehudayoff, Pseudorandom generators for regular branching programs (40--47) 3024774 ; Cynthia\ Dwork, Guy\ N.\ Rothblum\ and Salil\ Vadhan [Salil\ P.\ Vadhan], Boosting and differential privacy (51--60) 3024775 ; Moritz\ Hardt\ and Guy\ N.\ Rothblum, A multiplicative weights mechanism for privacy-preserving data analysis (61--70) 3024776 ; Hai\ Brenner\ and Kobbi\ Nissim, Impossibility of differentially private universally optimal mechanisms (71--80) 3024777 ; Andrew\ McGregor, Ilya\ Mironov, Toniann\ Pitassi, Omer\ Reingold, Kunal\ Talwar\ and Salil\ Vadhan [Salil\ P.\ Vadhan], The limits of two-party differential privacy (81--90) 3024778 ; Ankur\ Moitra\ and Gregory\ Valiant, Settling the polynomial learnability of mixtures of Gaussians (93--102) 3024779 ; Mikhail\ Belkin\ and Kaushik\ Sinha [Kaushik\ Sinha\asup 2], Polynomial learning of distribution families (103--112) 3024780 . \par Karl\ Wimmer, Agnostically learning under permutation invariant distributions (113--122) 3024781 ; Santosh\ S.\ Vempala, Corrigendum: A random sampling algorithm for learning an intersection of halfspaces (123); Santosh\ S.\ Vempala, Learning convex concepts from Gaussian distributions with PCA (124--130) 3024782 ; Zdeněk\ Dvořák, Daniel\ Kráľ\ and Robin\ Thomas, Deciding first-order properties for sparse graphs (133--142) 3024787 ; Michael\ Elberfeld, Andreas\ Jakoby\ and Till\ Tantau, Logspace versions of the theorems of Bodlaender and Courcelle (143--152) 3024788 ; Ken-ichi\ Kawarabayashi\ and Bruce\ Reed [Bruce\ A.\ Reed], A separator theorem in minor-closed classes (153--162) 3024789 ; Anastasios\ Sidiropoulos, Optimal stochastic planarization (163--170) 3024790 ; Andreas\ Björklund, Determinant sums for undirected Hamiltonicity (173--182) 3024791 ; Rahul\ Santhanam, Fighting perebor: new and improved algorithms for formula and QBF satisfiability (183--192) 3024792 ; Benjamin\ Rossman, The monotone complexity of $k$-clique on random graphs (193--201) 3024793 ; Emanuele\ Viola, The complexity of distributions (202--211) 3024794 . \par Irit\ Dinur, Subhash\ Khot [Subhash\ A.\ Khot], Will\ Perkins [William\ Frank\ Perkins]\ and Muli\ Safra, Hardness of finding independent sets in almost 3-colorable graphs (212--221) 3024795 ; Noga\ Alon\ and Raphael\ Yuster, Solving linear systems through nested dissection (225--234) 3024796 ; Ioannis\ Koutis, Gary\ L.\ Miller [Gary\ Lee\ Miller]\ and Richard\ Peng, Approaching optimality for solving SDD linear systems (235--244) 3024797 ; Aleksander\ Mądry, Fast approximation algorithms for cut-based problems in undirected graphs (245--254) 3024798 ; Konstantin\ Makarychev\ and Yury\ Makarychev, Metric extension operators, vertex sparsifiers and Lipschitz extendability (255--264) 3024799 ; Moses\ Charikar, Tom\ Leighton, Shi\ Li [Shi\ Li\asup 1]\ and Ankur\ Moitra, Vertex sparsifiers and abstract rounding algorithms (265--274) 3025200 ; Matthew\ Andrews [Daniel\ Matthew\ Andrews], Approximation algorithms for the edge-disjoint paths problem via Räcke decompositions (277--286) 3025201 ; Allan\ Sly, Computational transition at the uniqueness threshold (287--296) 3025202 ; Amit\ Kumar [Amit\ Kumar\asup 2]\ and Ravindran\ Kannan, Clustering with spectral norm and the $k$-means algorithm (299--308) 3025203 ; Pranjal\ Awasthi, Avrim\ Blum [Avrim\ L.\ Blum]\ and Or\ Sheffet, Stability yields a PTAS for $k$-median and $k$-means clustering (309--318) 3025204 . \par Marcus\ Isaksson, Guy\ Kindeler [Guy\ Kindler]\ and Elchanan\ Mossel, The geometry of manipulation---a quantitative proof of the Gibbard Satterthwaite theorem (319--328) 3025205 ; Amit\ Deshpande\ and Luis\ Rademacher, Efficient volume sampling for row/column subset selection (329--338) 3025206 ; Noga\ Alon, A non-linear lower bound for planar epsilon-nets (341--346) 3025207 ; Bartłomiej\ Bosek\ and Tomasz\ Krawczyk, The sub-exponential upper bound for on-line chain partitioning (347--354) 3025208 ; Natan\ Rubin, Haim\ Kaplan\ and Micha\ Sharir, Improved bounds for geometric permutations (355--364) 3025209 ; Giuseppe\ Di Battista, Fabrizio\ Frati\ and János\ Pach, On the queue number of planar graphs (365--374) 3025210 ; Alexandr\ Andoni, Robert\ Krauthgamer\ and Krzysztof\ Onak, Polylogarithmic approximation for edit distance and the asymmetric query complexity (377--386) 3025211 ; Amit\ Chakrabarti, Graham\ Cormode, Ranganath\ Kondapally\ and Andrew\ McGregor, Information cost tradeoffs for augmented index and streaming language recognition (387--396) 3025212 ; Bernhard\ Haeupler, Barna\ Saha\ and Aravind\ Srinivasan, New constructive aspects of the Lovász local lemma (397--406) 3025213 ; Nikhil\ Bansal\ and Kirk\ Pruhs [Kirk\ R.\ Pruhs], The geometry of scheduling (407--414) 3025214 . \par David\ Doty, Matthew\ J.\ Patitz, Dustin\ Reishus, Robert\ T.\ Schweller\ and Scott\ M.\ Summers, Strong fault-tolerance for self-assembly with fuzzy temperature (417--426) 3025215 ; Jin-Yi\ Cai, Pinyan\ Lu\ and Mingji\ Xia, Holographic algorithms with matchgates capture precisely tractable planar $\#{\rm CSP}$ (427--436) 3025216 ; Jin-Yi\ Cai\ and Xi\ Chen [Xi\ Chen\asup 6], A decidable dichotomy theorem on directed graph homomorphisms with non-negative weights (437--446) 3025217 ; Kenneth\ L.\ Clarkson, Elad\ Hazan\ and David\ P.\ Woodruff, Sublinear optimization for machine learning (449--457) 3025218 ; Michael\ Saks\ and C.\ Seshadhri [Comandur\ Seshadhri], Estimating the longest increasing sequence in polylogarithmic time (458--467) 3025219 ; Gilad\ Tsur\ and Dana\ Ron, Testing properties of sparse images (468--477) 3025220 ; Arnab\ Bhattacharyya, Elena\ Grigorescu\ and Asaf\ Shapira, Unified framework for testing linear-invariant properties (478--487) 3025221 ; Arnab\ Bhattacharyya, Swastik\ Kopparty, Grant\ Schoenebeck, Madhu\ Sudan\ and David\ Zuckerman, Optimal testing of Reed-Muller codes (488--497) 3025222 ; Zvika\ Brakerski, Yael\ Tauman\ Kalai, Jonathan\ Katz [Jonathan\ Katz\asup 2]\ and Vinod\ Vaikuntanathan, Overcoming the hole in the bucket: public-key cryptography resilient to continual memory leakage (501--510) 3025223 ; Yevgeniy\ Dodis, Kristiyan\ Haralambiev, Adriana\ López-Alt\ and Daniel\ Wichs, Cryptography against continuous memory attacks (511--520) 3025226 . \par Allison\ Lewko\ and Brent\ Waters, On the insecurity of parallel repetition for leakage resilience (521--530) 3025227 ; Hoeteck\ Wee, Black-box, round-efficient secure computation via non-malleability amplification (531--540) 3025228 ; Ran\ Canetti, Huijia\ Lin\ and Rafael\ Pass, Adaptive hardness and composable security in the plain model from standard assumptions (541--550) 3025229 ; Aaron\ Potechin, Bounds on monotone switching networks for directed connectivity (553--562) 3025230 ; Sanjeev\ Arora, Boaz\ Barak\ and David\ Steurer, Subexponential algorithms for unique games and related problems (563--572) 3025231 ; Chandra\ Chekuri, Jan\ Vondrák\ and Rico\ Zenklusen, Dependent randomized rounding via exchange properties of combinatorial structures (575--584) 3025232 ; Matthew\ Andrews [Daniel\ Matthew\ Andrews], Spyridon\ Antonakopoulos\ and Lisa\ Zhang, Minimum-cost network design with (dis)economies of scale (585--592) 3025233 ; Ashish\ Goel [Ashish\ Goel\asup 1]\ and Ian\ Post, On tree suffices: a simultaneous $\rm O(1)$-approximation for single-sink buy-at-bulk (593--600) 3025234 ; Glencora\ Borradaile, Piotr\ Sankowski\ and Christian\ Wulff-Nilsen, Min $st$-cut oracle for planar graphs with near-linear preprocessing time (601--610) 3025235 ; Hemanta\ K.\ Maji, Manoj\ Prabhakaran\ and Amit\ Sahai, On the computational complexity of coin flipping (613--622) 3025236 . \par Ronen\ Gradwohl, Noam\ Livne\ and Alon\ Rosen, Sequential rationality in cryptographic protocols (623--632) 3025237 ; Aram\ W.\ Harrow\ and Ashley\ Montanaro, An efficient test for product states, with applications to quantum Merlin-Arthur games (633--642) 3025238 ; Virginia\ Vassilevska\ Williams\ and Ryan\ Williams, Subcubic equivalences between path, matrix, and triangle problems (645--654) 3025239 ; Oren\ Weimann\ and Raphael\ Yuster, Replacement paths via fast matrix multiplication (655--662) 3025240 ; Yuval\ Peres, Dmitry\ Sotnikov, Benny\ Sudakov [Benjamin\ Sudakov]\ and Uri\ Zwick, All-pairs shortest paths in $O(n^2)$ time with high probability (663--672) 3025241 ; Ran\ Duan [Ran\ Duan\asup 2]\ and Seth\ Pettie, Approximating maximum weight matching in near-linear time (673--682) 3025242 ; Parikshit\ Gopalan, A Fourier-analytic approach to Reed-Muller decoding (685--694) 3025243 ; Shachar\ Lovett, Partha\ Mukhopadhyay\ and Amir\ Shpilka, Pseudorandom generators for ${\rm CC}^0[p]$ and the Fourier spectrum of low-degree polynomials over finite fields (695--704) 3025244 ; Zeev\ Dvir, Parikshit\ Gopalan\ and Sergey\ Yekhanin, Matching vector codes (705--714) 3025245 ; Avraham\ Ben-Aroya, Klim\ Efremenko\ and Amnon\ Ta-Shma, Local list-decoding with a constant number of queries (715--722) 3025246 . \par Venkatesan\ Guruswami\ and Adam\ Smith [Adam\ Smith\asup 2], Codes for computationally simple channels: explicit constructions with optimal rate (723--732) 3025247 ; Renato\ Paes Leme\ and Éva Tardos, Pure and Bayes-Nash price of anarchy for generalized second price auction (735--744) 3025248 ; David\ Kempe, Mahyar\ Salek\ and Cristopher\ Moore, Frugal and truthful auctions for vertex covers, flows, and cuts (745--754) 3025249 ; Ning\ Chen [Ning\ Chen\asup 5], Edith\ Elkind, Nick\ Gravin [N.\ V.\ Gravin]\ and Fedor\ Petrov [Fedor\ V.\ Petrov], Frugal mechanism design via spectral techniques (755--764) 3025250 ; Yaron\ Singer, Budget feasible mechanisms (765--774) 3025251 ; Shaddin\ Dughmi\ and Tim\ Roughgarden, Black-box randomized reductions in algorithmic mechanism design (775--784) 3025252 ; Yuriy\ Arbitman, Moni\ Naor\ and Gil\ Segev, Backyard cuckoo hashing: constant worst-case operations with a succinct representation (787--796) 3025253 ; Shachar\ Lovett\ and Ely\ Porat, A lower bound for dynamic approximate membership data structures (797--804) 3025254 ; Rina\ Panigrahy, Kunal\ Talwar\ and Udi\ Wieder, Lower bounds on near neighbor search via metric expansion (805--814) 3025255 ; Mihai\ Pǎtraşcu\ and Liam\ Roditty, Distance oracles beyond the Thorup-Zwick bound (815--823) 3025256 .