
Geometrical mutual information at the tricritical point of the two-dimensional Blume-Capel model.
Document Type
Mandal, Ipsita (3-PITP) AMS Author Profile; Inglis, Stephen (D-MNCH) AMS Author Profile; Melko, Roger G. (3-PITP) AMS Author Profile
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp.) (20160101), no.~7, 073105, 10~pp. eISSN: 1742-5468.
81 Quantum theory -- 81P Axiomatics, foundations, philosophy
  81P45 Quantum information, communication, networks
Summary: ``The spin-1 classical Blume-Capel model on a square lattice is known to exhibit a finite-temperature phase transition described by the tricritical Ising CFT in $1+1$ space-time dimensions. This phase transition can be accessed with classical Monte Carlo simulations, which, via a replica-trick calculation, can be used to study the shape-dependence of the classical Rényi entropies for a torus divided into two cylinders. From the second Rényi entropy, we calculate the geometrical mutual information (GMI) introduced by Stéphan {\it et al} (2014 {\it Phys. Rev. Lett.} 112 127204) and use it to extract a numerical estimate for the value of the central charge near the tricritical point. By comparing to the known CFT result, $c=7/10$, we demonstrate how this type of GMI calculation can be used to estimate the position of the tricritical point in the phase diagram.''