
Controlling roughening processes in the stochastic Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation.
Document Type
Gomes, S. N. (4-ICL-M) AMS Author Profile; Kalliadasis, S. (4-ICL-KEN) AMS Author Profile; Papageorgiou, D. T. (4-ICL-M) AMS Author Profile; Pavliotis, G. A. (4-ICL-M) AMS Author Profile; Pradas, M. (4-OPEN-MS) AMS Author Profile
Physica D. Nonlinear Phenomena (Phys. D) (20170101), 348, 33-43. ISSN: 0167-2789 (print).eISSN: 1872-8022.
35 Partial differential equations -- 35Q Equations of mathematical physics and other areas of application
  35Q53 KdV-like equations

35 Partial differential equations -- 35R Miscellaneous topics
  35R60 Partial differential equations with randomness, stochastic partial differential equations

37 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory -- 37N Applications
  37N35 Dynamical systems in control

60 Probability theory and stochastic processes -- 60H Stochastic analysis
  60H15 Stochastic partial differential equations

93 Systems theory; control -- 93B Controllability, observability, and system structure
  93B52 Feedback control

93 Systems theory; control -- 93C Control systems
  93C20 Systems governed by partial differential equations
In this paper the authors study the problem of controlling roughness (the variance) of the surfaces originating from nonlinear stochastic partial differential equations. Their study is exemplified by the stochastic Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation with either the Burgers nonlinearity or the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) nonlinearity. They use distributed or point actuators. The key point is to split the original equation into a linear stochastic and a nonlinear deterministic equation, which makes it possible to apply linear feedback control methods. In the literature, there are many works using nonlinear feedback controls. Their method offers several distinct advantages since the controls they use are linear functions of the solution. They do not affect the overall dynamics of the system and decrease the computational cost. The authors present some computations without giving a theorem.