
27th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation.
Document Type
Proceedings Paper
68 Computer science
  68-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc.
{\bf Papers in this collection include the following:} \tpar \{For the 26th Symposium see [MR3489533].\} \tpar Amirali\ Abdullah, Samira\ Daruki, Chitradeep\ Dutta Roy\ and Suresh\ Venkatasubramanian, ``Streaming verification of graph properties'', \nbp{Art. No. 3, 14 pp.}. 3598382 \tpar Faisal\ Abu-Khzam, Cristina\ Bazgan, Katrin\ Casel\ and Henning\ Fernau, ``Building clusters with lower-bounded sizes'', \nbp{Art. No. 4, 13 pp.}. 3598383 \tpar Akanksha\ Agrawal, Fahad\ Panolan, Saket\ Saurabh\ and Meirav\ Zehavi, ``Simultaneous feedback edge set: a parameterized perspective'', \nbp{Art. No. 5, 13 pp.}. 3598384 \tpar Akanksha\ Agrawal, Saket\ Saurabh, Roohani\ Sharma\ and Meirav\ Zehavi, ``Kernels for deletion to classes of acyclic digraphs'', \nbp{Art. No. 6, 12 pp.}. 3598385 \tpar Pankaj\ K.\ Agarwal, Jiangwei\ Pan\ and Will\ Victor, ``An efficient algorithm for placing electric vehicle charging stations'', \nbp{Art. No. 7, 12 pp.}. 3598386 \tpar Udit\ Agarwal\ and Vijaya\ Ramachandran, ``Finding $k$ simple shortest paths and cycles'', \nbp{Art. No. 8, 12 pp.}. 3598387 \tpar Oswin\ Aichholzer, Thomas\ Hackl, Matias\ Korman, Alexander\ Pilz, Günter\ Rote, André\ van Renssen, Marcel\ Roeloffzen\ and Birgit\ Vogtenhuber, ``Packing short plane spanning trees in complete geometric graphs'', \nbp{Art. No. 9, 12 pp.}. 3598388 \tpar Hugo\ A.\ Akitaya\ and Csaba\ D.\ Tóth, ``Reconstruction of weakly simple polygons from their edges'', \nbp{Art. No. 10, 13 pp.}. 3598389 \tpar Helmut\ Alt\ and Nadja\ Scharf, ``Approximating smallest containers for packing three-dimensional convex objects'', \nbp{Art. No. 11, 14 pp.}. 3598390 \tpar Amihood\ Amir, Tsvi\ Kopelowitz, Avivit\ Levy, Seth\ Pettie, Ely\ Porat\ and B.\ Riva\ Shalom, ``Mind the gap: essentially optimal algorithms for online dictionary matching with one gap'', \nbp{Art. No. 12, 12 pp.}. 3598391 \tpar Patrizio\ Angelini\ and Giordano\ Da Lozzo, ``Clustered planarity with pipes'', \nbp{Art. No. 13, 13 pp.}. 3598392 \tpar Sang\ Won\ Bae, ``$L_1$ geodesic farthest neighbors in a simple polygon and related problems'', \nbp{Art. No. 14, 12 pp.}. 3598393 \tpar Sayan\ Bandyapadhyay\ and Kasturi\ Varadarajan, ``Approximate clustering via metric partitioning'', \nbp{Art. No. 15, 13 pp.}. 3598394 \tpar Sebastian\ Berndt\ and Maciej\ Liśkiewicz, ``Hard communication channels for steganography'', \nbp{Art. No. 16, 13 pp.}. 3598395 \tpar Therese\ Biedl\ and Saeed\ Mehrabi, ``On $r$-guarding thin orthogonal polygons'', \nbp{Art. No. 17, 13 pp.}. 3598396 \tpar Philip\ Bille, Patrick\ Hagge\ Cording, Inge\ Li\ Gørtz, Frederik\ Rye\ Skjoldjensen, Hjalte\ Wedel\ Vildhøj\ and Søren\ Vind, ``Dynamic relative compression, dynamic partial sums, and substring concatenation'', \nbp{Art. No. 18, 13 pp.}. 3598397 \tpar Ahmad\ Biniaz, Prosenjit\ Bose, Jean-Lou\ De Carufel, Cyril\ Gavoille, Anil\ Maheshwari\ and Michiel\ Smid, ``Towards plane spanners of degree 3'', \nbp{Art. No. 19, 14 pp.}. 3598398 \tpar Hans\ L.\ Bodlaender, Hirotaka\ Ono\ and Yota\ Otachi, ``Degree-constrained orientation of maximum satisfaction: graph classes and parameterized complexity'', \nbp{Art. No. 20, 12 pp.}. 3598399 \tpar Martin\ Böhm, Marek\ Chrobak, Łukasz\ Jeż, Fei\ Li, Jiří\ Sgall\ and Pavel\ Veselý, ``Online packet scheduling with bounded delay and lookahead'', \nbp{Art. No. 21, 13 pp.}. 3598400 \tpar Sankardeep\ Chakraborty, Venkatesh\ Raman\ and Srinivasa\ Rao\ Satti, ``Biconnectivity, chain decomposition and $st$-numbering using $O(n)$ bits'', \nbp{Art. No. 22, 13 pp.}. 3598401 \tpar T.-H.\ Hubert Chan, Zhihao\ Gavin\ Tang\ and Xiaowei\ Wu, ``On $(1,\epsilon)$-restricted max-min fair allocation problem'', \nbp{Art. No. 23, 13 pp.}. 3598402 \tpar Timothy\ M.\ Chan\ and Dimitrios\ Skrepetos, ``All-pairs shortest paths in unit-disk graphs in slightly subquadratic time'', \nbp{Art. No. 24, 13 pp.}. 3598403 \tpar Di\ Chen\ and Mordecai\ Golin, ``Sink evacuation on trees with dynamic confluent flows'', \nbp{Art. No. 25, 13 pp.}. 3598404 \tpar Lijie\ Chen, ``Adaptivity vs. postselection, and hardness amplification for polynomial approximation'', \nbp{Art. No. 26, 12 pp.}. 3598405 \tpar Jurek\ Czyzowicz, Konstantinos\ Georgiou, Evangelos\ Kranakis, Danny\ Krizanc, Lata\ Narayanan, Jaroslav\ Opatrny\ and Sunil\ Shende, ``Search on a line by Byzantine robots'', \nbp{Art. No. 27, 12 pp.}. 3598406 \tpar Nevzat\ Onur\ Domaniç, Chi-Kit\ Lam\ and C.\ Gregory\ Plaxton, ``Bipartite matching with linear edge weights'', \nbp{Art. No. 28, 13 pp.}. 3598407 \tpar Hicham\ El-Zein, J.\ Ian\ Munro\ and Matthew\ Robertson, ``Raising permutations to powers in place'', \nbp{Art. No. 29, 12 pp.}. 3598408 \tpar Amr\ Elmasry\ and Frank\ Kammer, ``Space-efficient plane-sweep algorithms'', \nbp{Art. No. 30, 13 pp.}. 3598409 \tpar Michael\ Etscheid\ and Matthias\ Mnich, ``Linear kernels and linear-time algorithms for finding large cuts'', \nbp{Art. No. 31, 13 pp.}. 3598410 \tpar Sándor\ P.\ Fekete, Qian\ Li, Joseph\ S. B. Mitchell\ and Christian\ Scheffer, ``Universal guard problems'', \nbp{Art. No. 32, 13 pp.}. 3598411 \tpar Andreas\ Emil\ Feldmann, Jochen\ Könemann, Kanstantsin\ Pashkovich\ and Laura\ Sanità, ``Fast approximation algorithms for the generalized survivable network design problem'', \nbp{Art. No. 33, 12 pp.}. 3598412 \tpar Arnab\ Ganguly, Wing-Kai\ Hon, Rahul\ Shah\ and Sharma\ V.\ Thankachan, ``Space-time trade-offs for the shortest unique substring problem'', \nbp{Art. No. 34, 13 pp.}. 3598413 \tpar Shahram\ Ghandeharizadeh, Sandy\ Irani\ and Jenny\ Lam, ``The subset assignment problem for data placement in caches'', \nbp{Art. No. 35, 12 pp.}. 3598414 \tpar Lucy\ Ham, ``A gap trichotomy for Boolean constraint problems: extending Schaefer's theorem'', \nbp{Art. No. 36, 12 pp.}. 3598415 \tpar Duc\ A.\ Hoang\ and Ryuhei\ Uehara, ``Sliding tokens on a cactus'', \nbp{Art. No. 37, 26 pp.}. 3598416 \tpar Dmitry\ Itsykson, Alexander\ Knop\ and Dmitry\ Sokolov, ``Complexity of distributions and average-case hardness'', \nbp{Art. No. 38, 12 pp.}. 3598417 \tpar Kai\ Jin, ``Computing the pattern waiting time: a revisit of the intuitive approach'', \nbp{Art. No. 39, 12 pp.}. 3598418 \tpar Mong-Jen\ Kao, Hai-Lun\ Tu\ and D.\ T.\ Lee, ``$O(f)$ bi-approximation for capacitated covering with hard capacities'', \nbp{Art. No. 40, 12 pp.}. 3598419 \tpar Yasushi\ Kawase\ and Kazuhisa\ Makino, ``Surrogate optimization for $p$-norms'', \nbp{Art. No. 41, 13 pp.}. 3598420 \tpar Yasushi\ Kawase, Kazuhisa\ Makino\ and Kento\ Seimi, ``Optimal composition ordering problems for piecewise linear functions'', \nbp{Art. No. 42, 13 pp.}. 3598421 \tpar Yasushi\ Kawase, Tomomi\ Matsui\ and Atsushi\ Miyauchi, ``Additive approximation algorithms for modularity maximization'', \nbp{Art. No. 43, 13 pp.}. 3598422 \tpar Yasushi\ Kawase\ and Atsushi\ Miyauchi, ``The densest subgraph problem with a convex/concave size function'', \nbp{Art. No. 44, 12 pp.}. 3598423 \tpar Pavel\ Klavík, Yota\ Otachi\ and Jiří\ Šejnoha, ``On the classes of interval graphs of limited nesting and count of lengths'', \nbp{Art. No. 45, 13 pp.}. 3598424 \tpar Tomasz\ Kociumaka, Solon\ P.\ Pissis\ and Jakub\ Radoszewski, ``Pattern matching and consensus problems on weighted sequences and profiles'', \nbp{Art. No. 46, 12 pp.}. 3598425 \tpar Spyros\ Kontogiannis, Dorothea\ Wagner\ and Christos\ Zaroliagis, ``Hierarchical time-dependent oracles'', \nbp{Art. No. 47, 13 pp.}. 3598426 \tpar Marc\ van Kreveld, Maarten\ Löffler, Frank\ Staals\ and Lionov\ Wiratma, ``A refined definition for groups of moving entities and its computation'', \nbp{Art. No. 48, 12 pp.}. 3598427 \tpar Denis\ Kurz\ and Petra\ Mutzel, ``A sidetrack-based algorithm for finding the $k$ shortest simple paths in a directed graph'', \nbp{Art. No. 49, 13 pp.}. 3598428 \tpar Hoang-Oanh\ Le\ and Van\ Bang\ Le, ``On the complexity of matching cut in graphs of fixed diameter'', \nbp{Art. No. 50, 12 pp.}. 3598429 \tpar Qian\ Li, Xiaoming\ Sun\ and Jialin\ Zhang, ``On the optimality of tape merge of two lists with similar size'', \nbp{Art. No. 51, 17 pp.}. 3598430 \tpar Shimin\ Li\ and Haitao\ Wang, ``Dispersing points on intervals'', \nbp{Art. No. 52, 12 pp.}. 3598431 \tpar Fu-Hong\ Liu, Hsiang-Hsuan\ Liu\ and Prudence\ W. H. Wong, ``Optimal nonpreemptive scheduling in a smart grid model'', \nbp{Art. No. 53, 13 pp.}. 3598432 \tpar Yangwei\ Liu, Hu\ Ding, Ziyun\ Huang\ and Jinhui\ Xu, ``Distributed and robust support vector machine'', \nbp{Art. No. 54, 13 pp.}. 3598433 \tpar Wenchang\ Luo, Yao\ Xu, Weitian\ Tong\ and Guohui\ Lin, ``Single machine scheduling with job-dependent machine deterioration'', \nbp{Art. No. 55, 13 pp.}. 3598434 \tpar Christopher\ S.\ Martin\ and Mohammad\ R.\ Salavatipour, ``Approximation algorithms for capacitated $k$-travelling repairmen problems'', \nbp{Art. No. 56, 12 pp.}. 3598435 \tpar Satoko\ Moriguchi, Kazuo\ Murota, Akihisa\ Tamura\ and Fabio\ Tardella, ``Scaling and proximity properties of integrally convex functions'', \nbp{Art. No. 57, 13 pp.}. 3598436 \tpar Eunjin\ Oh\ and Hee-Kap\ Ahn, ``Assigning weights to minimize the covering radius in the plane'', \nbp{Art. No. 58, 12 pp.}. 3598437 \tpar Eunjin\ Oh\ and Hee-Kap\ Ahn, ``A near-optimal algorithm for finding an optimal shortcut of a tree'', \nbp{Art. No. 59, 12 pp.}. 3598438 \tpar Christian\ Scheffer\ and Jan\ Vahrenhold, ``Approximate shortest distances among smooth obstacles in 3D'', \nbp{Art. No. 60, 13 pp.}. 3598439 \tpar Te-Li\ Wang, Chih-Kuan\ Yeh\ and Ho-Lin\ Chen, ``An improved tax scheme for selfish routing'', \nbp{Art. No. 61, 12 pp.}. 3598440 \tpar Mingyu\ Xiao\ and Hiroshi\ Nagamochi, ``A linear-time algorithm for integral multiterminal flows in trees'', \nbp{Art. No. 62, 12 pp.}. 3598441 \tpar Yutaro\ Yamaguchi, ``Shortest disjoint $\Cal S$-paths via weighted linear matroid parity'', \nbp{Art. No. 63, 13 pp.}. 3598442 \tpar Hung-I\ Yu, Tien-Ching\ Lin\ and Der-Tsai\ Lee, ``The $(1|1)$-centroid problem on the plane concerning distance constraints'', \nbp{Art. No. 64, 12 pp.}. 3598443 \tpar

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