
Median-of-$k$ jumplists and dangling-min BSTs.
Document Type
Proceedings Paper
Nebel, Markus E. (D-BLFT) AMS Author Profile; Neumann, Elisabeth (D-BRNSG) AMS Author Profile; Wild, Sebastian (3-WTRL-SC) AMS Author Profile
2019 Proceedings of the Sixteenth Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO) (20190101), 74-86.
05 Combinatorics -- 05A Enumerative combinatorics
  05A15 Exact enumeration problems, generating functions
Summary: ``We extend randomized jumplists introduced by Brönnimann, Cazals, and Durand [2] to choose jump-pointer targets as median of a small sample for better search costs, and present randomized algorithms with expected $O(\log n)$ time complexity that maintain the probability distribution of jump pointers upon insertions and deletions. We analyze the expected costs to search, insert and delete a random element, and we show that omitting jump pointers in small sublists hardly affects search costs, but significantly reduces the memory consumption. \par ``We use a bijection between jumplists and `danglingmin BSTs', a variant of (fringe-balanced) binary search trees for the analysis. Despite their similarities, some standard analysis techniques for search trees fail for dangling-min trees (and hence for jumplists).''

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