
Lyubeznik and Betti numbers for homogeneous ideals.
Document Type
Nadi, Parvaneh (IR-AUT-MCS) AMS Author Profile; Rahmati, Farhad (IR-AUT-MCS) AMS Author Profile
The Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics (Rocky Mountain J. Math.) (20200101), 50, no.~6, 2157-2165. ISSN: 0035-7596 (print).eISSN: 1945-3795.
13 Commutative algebra -- 13F Arithmetic rings and other special rings
  13F55 Stanley-Reisner face rings; simplicial complexes

13 Commutative algebra -- 13P Computational aspects and applications
  13P10 Gröbner bases; other bases for ideals and modules
In this paper, all the rings are assumed to be commutative and Noetherian. Let $A$ be a local ring such that $A\simeq R/I$ where $(R, \germ n)$ is an $n$-dimensional complete regular local ring containing a field $K$. The Lyubeznik numbers were defined by Lyubeznik in 1993 as $$ \lambda_{i, j}(A)=\mu_i(\germ n, H^{n-j}_{I}(R)) $$ for $i, j\geq 0$. We know that the nonzero Lyubeznik numbers are put in an upper triangular matrix that is called the Lyubeznik table. The authors study the Lyubeznik numbers of two homogeneous ideals of the standard graded polynomial ring $R=K[x_1, \dots, x_n]$ whose initial ideals are linked for some monomial order over $R$. Some relations between Lyubeznik and Betti numbers of homogeneous ideals are also investigated.