
The rhomboidal symmetric four-body problem.
Document Type
Waldvogel, Jörg (CH-ETHZ-AM) AMS Author Profile
Celestial Mechanics \& Dynamical Astronomy. An International Journal of Space Dynamics (Celestial Mech. Dynam. Astronom.) (20120101), 113, no.~1, 113-123. ISSN: 0923-2958 (print).eISSN: 1572-9478.
34 Ordinary differential equations -- 34C Qualitative theory
  34C14 Symmetries, invariants
  34C25 Periodic solutions

37 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory -- 37N Applications
  37N05 Dynamical systems in classical and celestial mechanics

70 Mechanics of particles and systems -- 70G General models, approaches, and methods
  70G45 Differential-geometric methods

70 Mechanics of particles and systems -- 70K Nonlinear dynamics
  70K30 Nonlinear resonances
In this paper the author considers a planar symmetric four-body problem called the {\it rhomboidal symmetric four-body problem}. This problem consists in considering two equal point masses $m_1=m_3>0$ placed at $(\pm x_1(t),0)$ in a fixed plane (described by Cartesian coordinates $x,y$) and two equal masses $m_2=m_4>0$ at positions $(0,\pm y_2(t))$. Provided that the initial velocities are chosen in order to satisfy this symmetry, the rhomboidal nature of the constellation is preserved along the motion. \par In spite of the simplicity of the equations of motion this problem is very interesting from the dynamical point of view because it is complicated enough to show the presence of binary collisions, periodic solutions and homothetic solutions at central configurations. Among other things the role of resonance phenomena between the two interacting rectilinear binaries for generating periodic orbits is studied, and the McGehee regularization is worked out.