
On star-dagger matrices and the core-EP decomposition.
Document Type
Ferreyra, D. E. (RA-UNRCS-STR) AMS Author Profile; Levis, F. E. (RA-UNRCS-STR) AMS Author Profile; Malik, Saroj B. (6-BRAU-SLS) AMS Author Profile; Priori, A. N. (RA-UNRCS) AMS Author Profile
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (J. Comput. Appl. Math.) (20240101), 438, Paper No 115558, 10~pp. ISSN: 0377-0427 (print).eISSN: 1879-1778.
15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory -- 15A Basic linear algebra
  15A27 Commutativity

15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory -- 15B Special matrices
  15B57 Hermitian, skew-Hermitian, and related matrices
This article deals with establishing new properties of star-dagger, bi-normal, bi-dagger and bi-EP matrices using the core-EP decomposition of Wang: for any square complex matrix $A$ of index $k=ind(A)$, there is a unitary matrix $U$ of the same size such that $A=U \left[\smallmatrix T & S \\ 0 & N \endsmallmatrix\right] U^{*}$ where $T$ is a nonsingular upper-triangular square matrix and $N$ is a square nilpotent matrix with $ind(N)=k$. \par Some of the results include core-EP decomposition of natural powers of $A$, the equivalence of $A^m$ and $N^m$ being partial isometries, equivalent conditions of $A$ and $A^2$ being star-dagger, and equivalent conditions of $A$ being bi-EP or bi-dagger. \par The results are illustrated using examples.