
Properties of ideal bitopological $\alpha$-open sets.
Document Type
El-Maghrabi, A. I. (SAR-TAIBUS-M) AMS Author Profile; Caldas, M. (BR-UFF-AM) AMS Author Profile; Jafari, S. (DK-CVS) AMS Author Profile; Latif, R. M. (SAR-MBFU-MNS) AMS Author Profile; Nasef, A. (ET-KFSE-PEM) AMS Author Profile; Rajesh, N. (6-RSGC-M) AMS Author Profile; Shanthi, S. (6-AAGAC3-M) AMS Author Profile
Scientific Studies and Research. Series Mathematics and Informatics (Sci. Stud. Res. Ser. Math. Inform.) (20170101), 27, no.~2, 15-36. ISSN: 2457-497X (print).eISSN: 2067-3566.
54 General topology -- 54C Maps and general types of spaces defined by maps
  54C05 Continuous maps

54 General topology -- 54D Fairly general properties
  54D10 Lower separation axioms

54 General topology -- 54E Spaces with richer structures
  54E55 Bitopologies
The notion of a pairwise $\alpha$-open subset of a bitopological space and a pairwise $\alpha$-continuous function was introduced by M. Jelić [Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) Suppl. No. 24 (1990), 387--395; MR1108222]. The notion of an $\alpha$-$I$-open subset of a topological space was introduced by E. Hatır and T. Noiri [Acta Math. Hungar. {\bf 96} (2002), no.~4, 341--349; MR1922679]. Motivated by these two articles, the authors introduce the notion of pairwise $\alpha$-$I$-open sets in bitopological space. They establish the relationship of the introduced notion with the pairwise $I$-open set, the pairwise pre-$I$-open set, the pairwise $b$-$I$-open set and the pairwise $\beta$-$I$-open set. An equivalent relation between these spaces is established. It is shown that this property is hereditary on $X$. The arbitrary union of pairwise $\alpha$-$I$-open sets is open, whereas the intersection of two pairwise $\alpha$-$I$-open sets is not necessarily pairwise $\alpha$-$I$-open. The authors also define pairwise $\alpha$-$I$-closed sets and the pairwise $\alpha$-$I$-closure of a set. The notion of a pairwise $\alpha$-$I$-continuous function and an $\alpha$-$I$-irresolute function is introduced and their different properties are studied.

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