
Healthy versus congestive heart failure patients---an approach via the Hurst parameter.
Document Type
Fenoy, M. (E-MADCM-IMI) AMS Author Profile; Muñoz-Fernández, G. A. (E-MADCM-IMI) AMS Author Profile; Pareja Monturiol, J. R. (E-MADCM-OR) AMS Author Profile; Seoane-Sepúlveda, J. B. (E-MADCM-IMI) AMS Author Profile
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul.) (20210101), 103, Paper No 106004, 12~pp. ISSN: 1007-5704 (print).eISSN: 1878-7274.
60 Probability theory and stochastic processes -- 60G Stochastic processes
  60G22 Fractional processes, including fractional Brownian motion

62 Statistics -- 62M Inference from stochastic processes
  62M10 Time series, auto-correlation, regression, etc.

92 Biology and other natural sciences -- 92B Mathematical biology in general
  92B15 General biostatistics
Summary: ``The rhythm of the human heart is influenced by the nervous system and certain feedback mechanisms inducing variability to it. This heart rate variation (HRV) is reflected in the data we obtain from an electrocardiogram, data such as the RR intervals which are commonly used in this context. The point of this research area is to find a model capable of describing the HRV. Some of the widely-used techniques for this purpose are time series models (ARFIMA, ARFIMA-GARCH), stochastic models or the study of different complexity measures. With the application of these techniques many studies conclude that the HRV data display non-stationary, non-linear and scale invariant characteristics, and exhibit long-term correlations. In this study, we give an approach to this problem based on the Hurst parameter, a measure of the fractality of the data. This allows us to obtain a way of finding statistical significant differences by means of confidence intervals between healthy subjects and congestive heart failure patients.''