
A deterministic key predistribution method for wireless sensor networks based on hypercube multivariate scheme.
Document Type
Anzani, M. (IR-SHAH-MCS) AMS Author Profile; Javadi, H. Haj Seyyed (IR-SHAH-MCS) AMS Author Profile; Moeni, A. (IR-TEH-AGC) AMS Author Profile
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. Transaction A. Science (Iran. J. Sci. Technol. Trans. A Sci.) (20180101), 42, no.~2, 777-786. ISSN: 1028-6276 (print).eISSN: 2364-1819.
94 Information and communication, circuits -- 94A Communication, information
  94A12 Signal theory
Summary: ``Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are often deployed in antagonistic environments and thus nodes can be potentially captured by an adversary. Therefore, the security is a fundamental issue in sensor networks and key management is a basic security service in these networks. Due to the limitations on sensor nodes, the traditional key management techniques are not suitable. Recently, a number of key predistribution techniques are proposed for establishing the pairwise key in sensor networks by some researchers. In this paper, we propose a key predistribution scheme based on multivariate polynomials. The basic idea of our approach is to apply the combinatorial design theory in the multivariate key predistribution scheme. In this scheme, using the IDs of sensors as an $d$ tuple of positive integers and the combinatorial design, the shares of multivariate polynomials store in sensor nodes before the network deployment. Our results in this paper show that the our proposed approach has better security than the previous schemes in terms of resilience against node capture without the additional communication overhead.''