
MLQCC: an improved local search algorithm for the set $k$-covering problem.
Document Type
Wang, Yiyuan (PRC-NNU-CIT) AMS Author Profile; Li, Chenxi (PRC-NNU-CIT) AMS Author Profile; Sun, Huanyao (PRC-NNU-CIT) AMS Author Profile; Chen, Jiejiang (PRC-NNU-CIT) AMS Author Profile; Yin, Minghao (PRC-NNU-CIT) AMS Author Profile
International Transactions in Operational Research (Int. Trans. Oper. Res.) (20190101), 26, no.~3, 856-887. ISSN: 0969-6016 (print).eISSN: 1475-3995.
90 Operations research, mathematical programming -- 90C Mathematical programming
  90C59 Approximation methods and heuristics
Summary: ``The set $k$-covering problem (SKCP) is NP-hard and has important real-world applications. In this paper, we propose several improvements over typical algorithms for its solution. First, we present a multilevel (ML) score heuristic that reflects relevant information of the currently selected subsets inside or outside a candidate solution. Next, we propose QCC to overcome the cycling problem in local search. Based on the ML heuristic and QCC strategy, we propose an effective subset selection strategy. Then, we integrate these methods into a local search algorithm, which we called MLQCC. In addition, we propose a preprocessing method to reduce the scale of the original problem before applying MLQCC. We further enhance MLQCC for large-scale instances using a low-time-complexity initialization algorithm to determine an initial candidate solution, obtaining the $\rm MLQCC + LI$ algorithm. The performance of the proposed MLQCC and $\rm MLQCC + LI$ is verified through experimental evaluations on both classical and large-scale benchmarks. The results show that MLQCC and $\rm MLQCC + LI$ notably outperform several state-of-the-art SKCP algorithms on the evaluated benchmarks.''