
Effects of prioritized input on human resource control in departmentalized Markov manpower framework.
Document Type
Ossai, E. O. (WAN-NIGR-S) AMS Author Profile; Madukaife, M. S. (WAN-NIGR-S) AMS Author Profile; Udom, A. U. (WAN-NIGR-S) AMS Author Profile; Nduka, U. C. (WAN-NIGR-S) AMS Author Profile; Ugah, T. E. (WAN-NIGR-S) AMS Author Profile
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability (Methodol. Comput. Appl. Probab.) (20230101), 25, no.~1, Paper No 37, 19~pp. ISSN: 1387-5841 (print).eISSN: 1573-7713.
37 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory -- 37A Ergodic theory
  37A50 Relations with probability theory and stochastic processes

90 Operations research, mathematical programming -- 90B Operations research and management science
  90B70 Theory of organizations, manpower planning
Summary: ``In this paper, extended Markov manpower models are formulated by incorporating a new class of members of a departmentalized manpower system in a homogeneous Markov manpower model. The new class, called limbo class, admits members of the system who exit to a limbo state for possible re-engagement in the active class. This results to two channels of recruitment: one from the limbo class and another from the outside environment. The idea is motivated by the need to preserve trained and experienced individuals who could be lost in times of financial crises or due to contract completion. The control aspect of the manpower structure under the extended models are examined. Under suitable stochastic condition for the flow matrices, it is proved that the maintainability of the manpower structure through promotion does not depend on the structural form of the limbo class when the system is expanding with priority on recruitment from outside environment, nor on the structural form of the active class when the system is shrinking with priority on recruitment from the limbo class. Necessary and sufficient conditions for maintainability of the manpower structure through recruitment in the case of expanding systems are also established with proofs.''