
Bounds on Zeckendorf games.
Document Type
Cusenza, Anna (1-UCLA-NDM) AMS Author Profile; Dunkelberg, Aidan (1-WLMS-NDM) AMS Author Profile; Huffman, Kate (1-AL-NDM) AMS Author Profile; Ke, Dianhui (1-MI-NDM) AMS Author Profile; McClatchey, Micah (1-HOUGH) AMS Author Profile; Miller, Steven J. (1-WLMS-MS) AMS Author Profile; Mizgerd, Clayton (1-WLMS-MS) AMS Author Profile; Tiwari, Vashisth (1-RCT-NDM) AMS Author Profile; Ye, Jingkai (1-WHIT-NDM) AMS Author Profile; Zheng, Xiaoyan (1-WASN-NDM) AMS Author Profile
The Fibonacci Quarterly. The Official Journal of the Fibonacci Association (Fibonacci Quart.) (20220101), 60, no.~1, 57-71. ISSN: 0015-0517 (print).
11 Number theory -- 11A Elementary number theory
  11A67 Other representations

11 Number theory -- 11B Sequences and sets
  11B39 Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and polynomials and generalizations

91 Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences -- 91A Game theory
  91A05 2-person games
Summary: ``Zeckendorf proved that every positive integer $n$ can be written uniquely as the sum of nonadjacent Fibonacci numbers. We use this decomposition to construct a two-player game. Given a fixed integer $n$ and an initial decomposition of $n = nF_1$, the two players alternate by using moves related to the recurrence relation $F_{n+1} = F_n + F_{n-1}$, and whoever moves last wins. The game always terminates in the Zeckendorf decomposition; depending on the choice of moves, the length of the game and the winner can vary, although for $n \geq 2$ there is a nonconstructive proof that Player 2 has a winning strategy. \par ``Initially, the lower bound of the length of a game was order $n$ (and known to be sharp), whereas the upper bound was of size $n \log n$. Recent work decreased the upper bound to size $n$, but with a larger constant than was conjectured. We improve the upper bound and obtain the sharp bound of $\frac{\sqrt 5+3}{2}n - IZ(n) - \frac{1+\sqrt 5}{2} Z(n)$, which is of order $n$ as $Z(n)$ is the number of terms in the Zeckendorf decomposition of $n$ and $IZ(n)$ is the sum of indices in the Zeckendorf decomposition of $n$ (which are at most of sizes $\log n$ and $\log^2 n$, respectively). We also introduce a greedy algorithm that realizes the upper bound, and show that the longest game on any $n$ is achieved by applying splitting moves whenever possible.''